| ![]() DOESTD107393
Maintenance Requirements
- Preventive Maintenance
- Vendor requirements
Testing Requirements
- Post-modification testing
- Surveillance testing
- In-service inspection and testing
Construction and Installation Specifications
- Inspection requirements
Examples of Design Requirements and Design Basis Information.
System Level Design
Design Requirement: Emergency cooling system flow of 500 gpm must reach the reactor
vessel within 25 seconds after initiation signal.
Design Basis: The facility transient analysis assumes 500 gpm with a 25 second delay to
mitigate a small break loss-of-coolant accident. The actual engineering analysis provide
design margin for uncertainties by using 450 gpm with a 35 second delay. (ref. aa)
Design Requirement: Emergency electrical system must provide 1000 kW within 60 seconds of
Design Basis: The nuclear safety electrical loads total 900 Kw. Cumulative additions to this
electrical load lists are tracked (ref. ee). The facility transient analysis identifies that no more
than 60 seconds elapse until emergency power is restored; the analysis assumes 85 seconds.
(ref. xy)
Design Requirement: Primary system water chemistry must be maintained with dissolved
oxygen between 500 and 1500 parts per billion.
Design Basis: Dissolved oxygen above 500 parts per billion is enough to keep nitrate stable.
Dissolved oxygen below 1500 parts per billion minimizes corrosion of stainless steel. (ref. fg)
Component Level Design
Design Requirement: Motor operated valve xyz must open in 10 seconds at 1 psid and 80
percent of rated voltage.
Design Basis: 10 seconds is desired in order to meet the system response time
requirement of emergency cooling system injection within 25 seconds at design basis
conditions. (ref. calc. jk)
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