| ![]() DOESTD107393
System Description. A narrative discussion of the system configuration. A general discussion
of system location and boundaries (with drawings). General narrative of functional and
operational requirements for the various plant modes and operating conditions.
System Boundaries. A detailed discussion of system boundaries and how they, were
established. Reference location or listing of complete scope of system SSCs.
System Interfaces. A listing or narrative description of interfacing systems that are necessary
for the subject system to perform its function. A description of functional requirements
necessary from support systems. Typical support systems include electrical distribution
systems, instrument air systems, HVAC systems, component cooling water systems, lube oil
systems, etc.
System Classification. A discussion of applicable CM system grade (i.e., safety,
environmental, mission, or other). Identification of principal functions or requirements that
established the system grade. In addition, identification of basis for any other applicable
system classifications used at the facility, such as quality classification, seismic classification,
System Issues. Discussion of any critical system issues that provide important perspective
on the system design requirements or design basis. These may be major issues under study
or investigation, code cases under review, positions under DOE review, or generic. issues
under resolution.
Provide a concise and complete statement of the operability requirements as specified by the TSR.
Identity the SSCs necessary to satisfy these requirements. Specify the auxiliary and support systems
required for operability.
This section is separated from other design requirements both to emphasize its importance and for
easy reference. This section will likely be used to assist operability determinations and to ensure that
new designs maintain these top-level requirements. The Operating Organization is an important end-
user of this section.
Always identify design requirements by type: safety requirements, environmental requirements, mission
requirements, and others. The design requirement information for a system DIS could be presented in
the following DIS sections:
Functional and Performance Requirements. A listing or narrative description of the system
process requirements. This may include the following:
System flows, pressures, heat loads, thermal power ratings, operating temperatures etc.;
Special system design considerations such as net positive suction head requirements;
Facility transients and accidents the system supports and how the availability of the
system is ensured;
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