| ![]() DOESTD107393
external audits. The program plan should be treated as a living document; it should be revised only as
necessary to reflect changes In program implementation. Proposed revisions to the CM program plan
should also be provided to DOE. CM Policy Directives
Effective program management begins with a clear understanding and statement of management's
expectations. These expectations should be documented In a top-level management, site/division policy
directive specific to the subject. Configuration management directives provide the structure and
foundation for program development. These directives lead detailed program planning and program
element development., Per program criterion, the site/division CM policy directive should
accomplish the following objectives: convey top management support, define key roles and
responsibilities, provide the equipment scope criteria for the CM program, and establish key concepts and
The principles of operational configuration management need to be understood and accepted by facility
personnel and integrated into their daily activities in order for the program to be effective. Management
has to clearly show support for the CM program and communicate its commitment to every level of the
organization for the effort to be successful. The CM policy directive should reflect top management's
decision, commitment, and support for the development and implementation of the CM program at each
The CM policy directive should also define key roles and responsibilities for developing the CM
program, Including the CM program plans. For example, it should formally empower a manager and
organization to coordinate development of the CM program and clearly define their roles and
responsibilities. If a central CM program organization is established, it should be involved in any
changes to existing programs that could affect configuration management. The directive could also
define the roles, responsibilities, and interfaces of other organizations and programs for development of
the CM program plan.
The CM policy directive should provide criteria for the scope of equipment to be included in the CM
program. The scope criteria provide the foundation for identifying the specific structures, systems, and
components (SSCs) and associated documents to be included in the program. This effort has a direct
impact on program effectiveness, costs, and schedules. Therefore, establishing the technical scope of
the program is crucial. As indicated by program criterion, SSCs with safety, environmental, and
mission design requirements should be included in the CM program. Other SSCs should be included
as an option; however, program cost and manageability should be considered.
Establishing the scope of equipment involves defining both the general categories of equipment and the
specific criteria for its categorization. Input as to the existing categorization and recommended
revisions, if needed, should be obtained from the design authority. Sites/divisions should also establish
criteria and guidance specific to each category of design requirements. In fact, most sites/divisions
have existing mission criteria that might be useful to this end. As an example, the mission criteria might
be defined as including equipment whose failure could create a forced shutdown for 180 days or more.
Also, facilities may have existing safety criteria, such as thresholds based on DOE 6430.1A, General
Design Criteria (Section 1300-3.2). Sites/divisions should re-review existing criteria; provide any
additional criteria, guidance, or clarifications; and formally establish the criteria within the CM program
for design requirement categorization.
Finally, the CM policy directive should establish CM program concepts, terminology, and definitions to
ensure consistent usage and understanding, both within the program and among the various interfacing
programs and organizations. Many of the concepts and terms currently used regarding configuration
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