| ![]() DOESTD107393
changes for that document. The threshold level should depend upon the type of document, document
priority, complexity of the changes, and the degree of overlap of those changes. For example, using
such a threshold approach, the number of unincorporated drawing changes could be allowed to reach
two to five changes per drawing before the changes were actually incorporated on the document. The
document owners should also periodically monitor the incorporation of changes to ensure that the
threshold levels are effective.
Distribution of Documents. When a controlled document is issued or revised, copies should be
automatically sent to those on the distribution list associated with the document, along with a request for
written receipt acknowledgment. A receipt acknowledgement form may be used. Timeliness
guidelines for distribution of documents should also be established. In some cases, prior to the formal
document distribution, the most important documents, such as control room drawings are posted within
24 hours. Less important ones are posted within 72 hours. The least important ones are posted within
7 days. The recipients should update their copy of the document (for example, by inserting changed
pages), and discard any obsolete pages or copies of documents. The recipient should then return
written receipt acknowledgment to the document control organization. The controlled copies in use
should be periodically reviewed to ensure their accuracy and their consistency with the master copies.
Control of Superseded or Cancelled Documents. The document control process should include
measures to ensure that superseded or canceled documents are replaced. ff a copy of a superseded
or canceled document is requested, that copy should be clearly and distinctively marked as such.
Document Database. A database should be provided for use in tracking document status and pending
changes. This database should contain basic information about the document, including the document
number, the functional group or document owner, the document type, the current revision number, the
current document status (e.g., in revision, recently revised, needs to be revised), information regarding
pending changes, outstanding document change notices, and any other information necessary for
control and tracking. As discussed below, the document database also supports the document retrieval
function with associated information such as retention times, storage location, retrievability guidelines,
and key words. The document database should be controlled in accordance with policy established by
the program management element. Retrieval of Documents
Fundamentally, the document retrieval function ensures that documents are retrieved in a timely
manner upon request, and that when a copy of a document is issued, it is the most recent version. The
status of the controlled documents should be available to the affected organizations. Additionally, the
retrieval function ensures that information regarding pending changes, including references to detailed
information, is supplied to anyone requesting the latest copy of the document. For example, if a
drawing is requested, the document control organization should also provide the requester with a list or
copies of existing change information (e.g., outstanding document change notices, pending changes,
and related physical changes in progress). This will alert the requester to upcoming changes that could
affect the retrieved document.
The document database needs to provide the capability to support identification of relevant documents.
Numerous document identification systems possessing unique advantages and disadvantages
regarding time and resources are available. Document identification systems range from the simple,
manual control of hard copies to elaborate computer-based, keyword-searchable, full-text databases
linked to the document images. Variables that affect the type and degree of sophistication are the size
of the facility, the volume of documents included in the CM program, available resources, existing
programs, and the retrieval requirements of the users of these documents.
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