| ![]() DOESTD107393
A formal CM program is in place and governed by published directives, a CM program plan,
and CM implementing procedures.
Organizational and programmatic interfaces, including responsibilities and authorities, are
clearly defined and understood by key personnel responsible for implementing CM program
The design requirements for SSCs included in the CM program are identified, documented,
retrievable, and maintained current for use by facility personnel.
Change mechanisms are identified and controlled.
Proposed changes to facility hardware and documents are technically reviewed to ensure
consistency with the design requirements.
Changes are documented and affected documents are updated.
Documents within the CM program are consistent with the design requirements and the
physical configuration.
Compare existing program implementation with the evaluation criteria to determine strengths and
potential weaknesses. Determine whether the existing program is comprehensive and identifies
obvious omissions.
Figure 218 shows the recommended method for evaluating existing procedures. Starting at the top
left corner, the facility CM program criteria are identified by applying the graded approach to the
general CM program criteria. The existing programs and procedures providing configuration
management functions are then identified and analyzed. The program objectives, methods, and
procedures are considered. Functional flowcharts are developed for the existing procedures. This
evaluation of existing procedures can provide a basis for determining whether they are
programmatically adequate for accomplishing the CM program criteria.
Based on functional flowcharts, judgments can be made regarding the strengths and weaknesses of
the processes prescribed by the procedures. An assessment can be made of how well the procedures
achieve their objectives and whether the procedural links and other interface considerations are
adequate. Using the functional flowcharts, an assessment also can be made regarding how well the
functions actually provided by the existing procedures match the functional criteria of the facility CM
program. The comparison of the functional capabilities of the existing programs may show that no
additional work is necessary to accomplish the CM program functions, or it will indicate where
improvements are needed. The functional flowcharts for existing procedures may indicate strengths
and weaknesses not related to the CM program; other improvements may be appropriate. Assessment
of procedures without the aid of functional flowcharts can result in misleading conclusions. The time
and effort involved in developing functional flowcharts is well invested.
Perform an effectiveness review in the field. This review is an assessment of how well the program is
implemented. During this step, information is gathered through interviews with knowledgeable facility
personnel, additional document reviews, and observation of work in progress to determine the
program's effectiveness at accomplishing the objectives. Therefore, emphasis during the effectiveness
review should be placed on problems. This performance-based approach is essential to identifying the
underlying causes of these problems and effectively upgrading a weak or poorly implemented
program. This is not a compliance review.
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