| DOESTD107393
to deviate from the design requirements. Surveillance testing techniques are similar in many ways to
those used In SSC performance monitoring. A comprehensive surveillance testing program ensures
that the identified testing is scheduled and performed, the results are reviewed and trended, and
necessary corrective actions are taken to return equipment performance to within the design
The periodic equipment performance monitoring function should take credit for periodic surveillance
testing, where appropriate. Full integration of the surveillance test program with other periodic
equipment monitoring can provide efficiencies in manpower and scheduling. Periodic testing, beyond
that in the TSR surveillance requirements, may be adjusted both In frequency and degree of technical
content based on the importance of the SSC or the particular SSC function. The origin of various
testing requirements should be documented and maintained.
DOE 4330.4A, Maintenance Management Program, establishes preventive and predictive maintenance
activities, such as tests, inspections, diagnostics, and trending. It further requires that a documented
basis for planned preventive and predictive maintenance activities should be provided. Existing
program to satisfy these Order requirements should provide a good interface with the CM program.
Existing programs should be reviewed to determine whether they are adequately oriented toward
maintaining configuration and achieving the associated CM program objectives.
Aging degradation monitoring is an important subset of equipment performance monitoring. It is
directed at detecting the impact of known and anticipated aging degradation mechanisms. The MCA
adjunct program will establish the technical basis for inspection and testing activities to trend important
characteristics, anticipate the time of failure, and detect component degradation, which can result in
systems and components operating outside their design requirements. The results of the MCA
program will be reviewed by the design authority to determine which should be implemented within the
periodic monitoring function (i.e., new design requirements). The assessments element supports the
MCA adjunct program by coordinating implementation of identified monitoring actions performed
throughout the life of the facility (i.e., during ongoing MCA implementation, after development). Post-Modification Tests
Post-modification tests are performed each time an important SSC is installed or modified. These tests
ensure that the SSC meets the design requirements and is verified to be operable prior to being placed
into service initially or returned to service. This function prevents unintended changes from being
introduced through errors during design or construction. For physical changes, these tests serve as a
final and independent adequacy check of the design and technical reviews for the change. If a
changed SSC fails to meet its acceptance criteria, ft may not be turned over for normal operations until
either a technical review has been completed and any follow-up actions completed or the SSC is
returned to its original condition and tested satisfactorily.
The fully developed program should include (1) implementing procedures established to specify and
control post-modification testing and (2) acceptance criteria defined consistent with the design
requirements. A recommended approach is to develop a generic procedure for identifying the post-
modification tests to be performed and to invoke this procedure each time a facility change is made.
For the post-modification tests to be effective, test conditions should be consistent with normal and
emergency operating conditions and acceptance criteria should demonstrate that the applicable design
requirements are met. The dominant factor affecting the level of effort for post-modification testing is
the complexity of the design change involved.
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