| DOESTD107393
This guidance is appropriate for high-hazard facilities expected to operate for an extended period.
Since DOE facilities vary in hazard level and circumstances of operation, a graded approach to
implementation should be adopted.
The implementation guidance is presented in the general sequence in which the design reconstitution
(DR) adjunct program is expected to be developed and implemented. Figure 31 presents the top-
level flowchart for the DR adjunct program.
The DR program plan should address the topics defined in program criterion It should be
prepared in accordance with direction set forth by the program management element of the CM
program. Although part of the CM program plan, the DR program plan may be provided to DOE
separately and should be developed as a stand-alone document.
The DR program plan should identify the scope of the Design Information Summaries (DISs), for both
the systems and for design topics, to be prepared. The DR program should prepare DISs for the
systems within the CM program scope. To reduce redundancy and ensure consistent application of the
topical information, the plan should identify design topics for which a separate topical DIS will be
prepared. Potential design topics include seismic qualification, fire protection, environmental protection,
electrical separation, single failure, and nuclear criticality.
The DR program plan should provide the method for prioritizing DISs. The priorities of DISs may be
based on safety significance, Technical Safety Requirements (TSRs) significance, probabilistic risk
assessments, facility modification schedules, impact on other DISs, and the specific needs of the
operating and design organizations. Highest priority should be given to those systems addressed by the
facility accident analyses or TSRs. The priorities are used to establish the order of DIS preparation.
As part of the description of each DR program activity, the DR program plan should reflect the chosen
technical approach and methods for each DR program activity. Descriptions of program activities
should demonstrate how the program functions will be accomplished. Within each activity, there are a
number of management options that can only be evaluated and selected facility by facility. Examples of
these management options are:
Selection of DIS topical areas
Detailed methodology for comprehensive search
Approach to management review to identify the missing basis
Prioritization methods for regeneration activities
Scope of regeneration activities
Approach to the selection of regeneration methods
To clarify the DR program envisioned, program plans should describe selected options. The availability
and reliability of existing design information are key in DR program planning. The need for the DR
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