| DOESTD107393
not necessary. If, however, a test indicated a component (e.g., a pump) could no longer meet its
nameplate rating, the design engineering organization would reevaluate the design requirement.
Document types may be identified before they are located, as indicated in Figure 33. They may also
be uncovered by surveying files at storage locations known to contain design documents. The
locations can range from vendor files and warehouse storage to individual design engineer files. Many
original design documents may be stored in warehouses or other files and not be easy to retrieve.
To facilitate document review, it is useful to (1) assign each document a unique identifier to facilitate
control and tracking and (2) perform an initial or receipt inspection to ensure that the documents are
readable and complete. If the documents are not already indexed as to technical content, facilities
should consider indexing them. A document review matrix may be helpful in determining, (I) which
document types do not need to be reviewed for design information, (2) which document types should
be reviewed, and (3) which document types are expected to contain such information. Each potential
source document should be screened to determine if it contains design information and if technical
review is necessary to extract that information. Documents related to past missions and past
configurations that are no longer valid should be excluded at this point, as should documents related to
SSCs that are not included in the CM program. Other specific documents that do not actually provide
design information should also be excluded. A second-party review should be conducted to verify that
the exclusion of specific documents or document types from further review was warranted.
The collected source documents that contain design information should be organized or sorted by
system or topical area such that they are readily retrievable for future review needs. Documents thus
sorted can be easily directed to the best technical reviewer for the extraction of design information.
Sorting may be difficult, as some documents involve many systems and topics. Comprehensive Search
The comprehensive search aims at identifying and retrieving the remaining documents that might
contain design information, including design analyses and calculations, DOE correspondence, and
vendor correspondence. This search identifies mostly design-basis information, but it may serve to
capture additional design requirements.
Care should be taken not to limit the extent of the comprehensive search, for its success depends
primarily on the identification and location of all source documents containing design information. The
comprehensive search team should interview and interact with experienced engineering and operations
personnel to locate and collect information, including information stored in desks and personal files.
Moreover, they should investigate referenced design documents for potential design basis information.
A design output document identified and reviewed in the smart search might contain references to
various documents used as the basis for the design requirements it defines; these are good targets for
the comprehensive search.
Source document types likely to contain design basis information include DOE correspondence, design
agency correspondence, vendor correspondence, internal correspondence, meeting minutes,
engineering procedures, engineering calculations and analyses, engineering studies and reports, code
conformance evaluations, and engineering forms and documentation used to implement designs and
design changes. Further examples of design documents are provided in Appendix IIB. In addition to
reviewing engineering records, the team should review correspondence files or indexes to identify
relevant source documents. Document types that might not need review include press releases,
financial reports, and indemnity agreements.
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