| DOESTD107393
and the design basis, the authorization basis and other design basis information, and the various types
of design requirements.
Facilities also should prepare a DIS Users' Guide. In addition to a discussion of DIS format and
content, the guide would contain background on the design process, definitions of key terms, a
discussion of DIS development and intended uses, descriptions of methods for reporting erroneous or
discrepant DIS information and methods for modifying and updating design requirements and basis,
and additional references. As appropriate, the DIS Users' Guide would provide guidance on other
sources of design information (which might be referenced by the DISs); on how and where such
information is stored, and how to access and use it; and on the limitations of its use. The DIS Users'
Guide would provide for the most effective use of the DISs produced.
A final check should be made to verify that the information contained in each DIS has been accurately
translated and transcribed during the DIS preparation process. This verification should ensure that any
remaining open items are identified correctly and completely. Verification checklists should be used to
promote consistency, identify areas for review, provide stimuli for additional questions, and document the
verification. Independent reviewers should have sufficient technical background and experience to provide
an objective, credible verfification of the DIS information.
Design Information Summaries are issued in at least two major stages: the initial issuance (Revision 0)
and the first major revision (Revision 1). It is recognized that Revision 0 may be updated or revised
before Revision 1 is issued. Revision 0 contains the complete, accurate, and technically validated design
requirements, original and regenerated. It also includes the available, technically validated design basis
information, correlated with the design requirements. Any open items are identified. Issuance of DIS
Revision 0 provides for the early availability of quality design information. After the remaining DR
program activities are completed, the DIS is revised (Revision 1) to incorporate the regenerated design
basis and the results of the field validation. Issuance of Revision I culminates the DR program.
The technical management review of extracted, verified, technically validated design information may be
performed effectively using draft Revision 0. Design information in the DIS format may be best suited to
review for technical validity and evaluation for completeness.
Design Information Summaries should be issued as controlled documents in accordance with the
document control program. Review and approval of the DISs, Revisions 0 and 1, should include
interdisciplinary review within the design engineering organization, as well as appropriate
interdepartmental review-by operations, maintenance, systems engineering, and other affected
organizations. These DIS reviews should establish that the DIS information is correct and that the
organization's documents are consistent with the DIS.
Field validation is completed before the issuance of DIS Revision 1. Field validation ensures that
design requirements are properly reflected in the physical configuration and in the associated
documentation. It also tests the strength of the bonds in the basic CM program model (i.e., among
design requirements, the physical configuration, and the configuration documentation). Design basis
information cannot be field-validated because its physical configuration and its documentation reflect
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