| DOESTD107393
efforts are coordinated. For major design changes, it might prove necessary to accelerate the design
reconstitution of associated systems and components.
Throughout these searches, the document control organization should provide support in locating and
retrieving the subject documents. If possible, these search activities should be coordinated with
document control activities that identify that organization's design and configuration documents.
Documents identified during the searches should be reviewed for inclusion into document control
processes and systems, such as the CM document database. A comprehensive index of design
documents is a very useful tool until design reconstitution is completed. Figure 33 shows the key steps
of source document identification and retrieval. Formal Review
The formal review of on-hand, summary-level design documents is the first stage of identification and
retrieval of existing design information. The scope for this review should be limited to readily available,
top-level design documents such as SARs, Technical Safety Requirements, and System Design
Descriptions (SDDs), if available, and other top-level synthesis and summary-type design documents.
Through document identification and information extraction, the formal review establishes the
preliminary set of design requirements and the design basis. For facilities with inadequate design
requirements (as determined by the CM program initial assessments or otherwise), the formal review
may be needed to support initial development of certain portions of the DR program element (i.e.,
establishment of the CM equipment database, initial system categorization, and initial system grading)
and may be pursued as a priority action within CM program implementation. Smart Search
The smart search identifies and retrieves those types of documents most likely to contain design
requirements. It culminates in the identification of most of the retrievable design requirements as well
as the design basis information contained in the associated source documents. The smart search
provides an expedited input to the CM equipment database for use by design and other facility
personnel. The documents that are most likely to contain design requirements are the design output
documents. These documents include drawings, specifications, load lists, valve lists, operational
setpoints, maintenance and test requirements, and construction and installation instructions. Further
examples of design output documents are provided in Appendix IIB.
Experienced personnel can provide insight into the most likely document types and their locations.
Experienced facility personnel might know of facility-specific documents that are not design output
documents but are likely to contain design requirements; the smart search should target these
documents. While certain design analyses and calculations might contain design requirements, such
documents should generally be reviewed during the comprehensive search, which focuses on source
documents containing primarily design basis information.
To capture the facility design requirements, the smart search scope may have to include facility
documentation that reflects the as-built design. Original design documents are preferred over
reconstituted as-built documents but are not always available. Sometimes these reconstituted as-built
documents use nameplate rating as the design requirement, lacking better information. This approach
presumes that the design is competent and the nameplate rating meets or exceeds the requirements
determined by the original design. In most cases, the structures, systems, and components (SSCs)
can continue to meet their nameplate ratings and detailed analysis of the original design requirement is
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