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program is based on the completeness, accuracy, and full documentation of existing design
information. The DR program plan should present the results and recommendations of the technical
management review performed under the design requirements element of the CM program. It should
reflect the graded approach and provide the basis for its application. The DR program plan should also
reflect the relevant findings of the initial assessments, including:
Location of design documents
Availability of design documents
Control of design documents
Consistency of information among design documents
Immediate actions taken and planned
Four examples of different situations regarding the availability and reliability of existing design
information are:
Almost no information readily available
Moderate amount of information available; some essential information not readily available
Moderate amount of information available; reliability of information questionable
Vast amount of information available that is highly trustworthy
The DR program plan should identify key interfaces with other programs. For example, the Safety
Analysis Report (SAR) upgrade program is an important interface to establish. To this end, the DR
program would need to include early coordination with the SAR upgrade program to prevent duplication
and to ensure the effectiveness of both programs. The program plan should define interfaces with the
design requirements program element of the CM program and other CM program elements.
Phased Implementation. The DR program is performed in a phased manner with defined milestones
and associated deliverables. A phased approach to design reconstitution provides for an initial set of
design information, with further design information added as it is reconstituted. Each activity should be
scoped, prioritized, staffed, and funded as appropriate to ensure attainment of the defined milestones.
The program criteria call for the DR program plan to be provided to DOE for review within 6 months
after the CM program plan is provided. Thus, the DR program plan may be provided to DOE up to 24
months following the initiation of CM program planning. Design reconstitution program activities should
not be implemented before an adequate CM change control element is available. Sample milestones
in design reconstitution beginning from the time DOE reviews the DR program plan (see Figure 32)
are as follows:
DR action plan (0-6 months)
Formal review (6-12 months)
Smart search (1-2 years)
Comprehensive search (2-4 years)
regeneration of design requirements (2-5 years)
Pilot DIS program (2-5 years)
DIS Revision 0 completion (4-6 years)
Regeneration of design basis (4-6 years)
Field validation of DISs (5-7 years)
DIS Revision 1 completion (5-7 years)
The issuance of completed DISs is also phased by system and topic; as individual DISs are completed,
they are issued. The phased preparation and issuance of DISs should be consistent with priorities
established by the DR program plan.

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