| ![]() DOESTD107393
may be converted to a measurement method practical for repeated application, or life extension
techniques needed to achieve the desired lifetime for the facility may be finalized.
Results of activities in earlier MCA phases should be forwarded as recommendations to the design
authority for consideration as new design requirements. New design requirements should include
actions related to periodic monitoring and trending of aging degradation, as well as actions related to
life extension. To support these new design requirements, the aging degradation evaluations should
also be provided as design basis. The appropriate line organizations, such as operations, or
maintenance, carry out the approved new design requirements on an ongoing basis. For example,
slower, stress-reducing operations (e.g., heatups, cooldowns) to extend facility lifetime are
implemented through operations procedures. Periodic aging measurements may be performed by
either the maintenance or system engineering organizations.
For the periodic monitoring, this involves fine-tuning the technical aspects of the periodic
measurements for ease of use, error avoidance, and operational efficiency. In addition, it involves
establishing appropriate frequencies for monitoring actions for different types of equipment, as well as
requirements and methods for trending the results of those measurements and for extrapolating the
trend to anticipate end of life. The resulting extrapolated lifetimes should be used to update the
previously determined lifetimes.
The purposes of degradation trending are to determine whether the degradations are progressing as
expected and to identify corrective actions that may be necessary to achieve the component or facility
lifetime. The analysis of data obtained by MCA periodic material condition measurements may show
that component degradation is occurring faster or slower than expected. This new information may
lead to revisions of the remaining lifetime determination, revising the life extension techniques, or some
combination of both.
To ensure that the desired facility lifetime is achieved, it is necessary to monitor the components most
likely to affect the facility lifetime, the components for which the lifetime is uncertain, and the
components that need life extension techniques to achieve the desired facility lifetime. Consideration
should also be given to adding measurements that are designed to detect unexpected degradation of
the components. Often, it is the unexpected that causes a component to fail before the end of its life.
For example, it was discovered in the commercial nuclear industry that thermal stratification of the liquid
inside pipes connected to pressurizers can cause stresses in the pipe wall that can lead to failure. Yet,
these stresses had not been anticipated in the design process. The final selection of measurements
should take into account the significant failure modes, degradation mechanisms that could cause
unexpected failures, and the practicality of obtaining these measurements.
The baseline measurements of the current condition of included components identify techniques that
successfully measured critical physical characteristics and those techniques that did not. The baseline
measurements show where improved or alternate measurement techniques are needed.
A list of potential measurements is then developed. These are termed "potential measurements" for
two reasons: (1) more measurements may have been identified than are actually necessary (in some
cases, the initial baseline results do not warrant repeating the measurements on a periodic basis); or
(2) the total number of measurements may not be consistent with the overall capability of the facility for
obtaining and analyzing the volume of information that will result from these repeated measurements
over the long term. Also, alternative or improved measurement techniques may be identified that have
not been previously obtained at the facility. It will be necessary to confirm that these techniques are
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