| ![]() This DOE Standard provides guidance to DOE personnel and contractors on the development and
implementation of an operational Configuration Management (CM) program, including its two adjunct
programs, the Design Reconstitution program and the Material Condition and Aging Management
program. This Standard is intended to serve as guidance only and does not impose new requirements.
This guidance is based on principles successfully implemented at commercial nuclear plants and on
related experiences at DOE-owned facilities. This Standard is applicable to DOE nuclear facilities in the
operational phase. Although it was developed for application to DOE nuclear facilities, the concepts in
this Standard can be adapted and applied to DOE non-nuclear facilities. Portions of this Standard are
useful for other DOE processes, activities, and programs. The intent in using this Standard for other
applications is to prevent proliferation of additional and inconsistent guidance throughout the DOE
This guidance presents established practices and implementation methods that reflect technically
appropriate and feasible approaches. This guidance was written to address weaknesses known to exist
at DOE nuclear facilities, as confirmed by occurrence reports, Tiger Team assessments, and other
external reviews. This guidance was developed based on: review of configuration management
guidance from various industries; interviews with licensed commercial nuclear utilities and DOE
contractors; review of nuclear utility configuration management practices; and consideration of
configuration management experience at DOE facilities.
The CM program described in this Standard addresses the needs of an ongoing operation rather than the
design and construction of a finite project, and includes activities for reestablishing control of
configuration. Based on this guidance, contractors should evaluate the CM measures needed to
adequately maintain the facility and the actions needed to augment the existing controls related to
configuration management.
Part I of this Standard describes the program principles, including the objective, functional model,
program criteria, and graded approach. Part II of this Standard provides detailed guidance on the
development and implementation of an operational CM program, the Design Reconstitution adjunct
program, and the Material Condition and Aging Management adjunct program.
For information regarding the technical content, please contact:
M.J. Campagnone
U.S. Department of Energy
Office of Environment, Safety and Health (EH-63/GTN)
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
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