| DOESTD107393
The graded approach should be applied using the following process:
The general program criteria (provided in section 1.3) should be adjusted to become appropriate
facility program criteria, which should be satisfied when the program is fully implemented.
The upgrade actions necessary to attain the facility program criteria should be identified. The
existing programs and procedures should be evaluated to determine which already provide
configuration management functions adequately, which can provide a configuration management
function if modified, and where new activities need to be developed. A fundamental premise of
the CM program is that it should take advantage of existing programs and procedures to the
maximum extent practicable. The difference between the extent of the existing programs and
procedures and the facility program criteria defines the upgrade actions that are needed to fully
implement the CM program.
A schedule should be developed for implementation of the CM upgrade actions. The facility
program criteria, upgrade actions, phased-implementation schedule, the bases for these items,
and other pertinent considerations should be described in the CM program plan.
The general process recommended for applying the graded approach to the development and
implementation of a CM program is depicted in Figure 1-3. The order of the considerations is
optimized for program planning efficiency and fits most facilities. Each consideration is discussed
below. Facility Type and Technical Characteristics
Facility type and technical characteristics relate to the particular technical nature and design
characteristics of a facility. For example, a nuclear hot cell facility is different from a nuclear reactor
and would not be expected to implement piping code design criteria for high-pressure primary reactor
piping systems. As another example, a waste tank farm would not be expected to meet the same
technical criteria as a uranium enrichment facility. Similarly, a facility being designed and constructed
to handle the decontamination and environmental restoration of, and the waste storage and disposal
for, an old retired nuclear facility would not be expected to meet the same criteria as the facility being
cleaned up. Furthermore, even facilities of the same technical type may have unique technical
characteristics. For example, a plutonium-fueled critical facility has different characteristics than a
uranium-fueled critical facility.
This consideration is used to determine what types of implementation actions would be technically
appropriate for the facility when the CM program is fully implemented. The general program criteria
should be reviewed in light of the facility type and technical characteristics to determine which are
appropriate, which need adaptation, and which are not applicable. This step establishes the foundation
for evaluating other graded-approach considerations that are used subsequently to make program
criteria adjustments. Implementation of the CM program, a management system, is influenced less by
facility type and technical characteristics than a program of technical (i.e., hardware) criteria would be. Facility Desired/Remaining Lifetime
The facility remaining lifetime is the period of time that the facility is expected to retain the capability of
performing its intended functions (i.e., meet its design requirements) without applying life extension
techniques. If DOE has formally notified the contractor that the facility is to be operated for only a
specified period, or that the facility is to be shut down at a specified date and there is no intent to
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