| ![]() DOESTD107393
adequate and appropriate. The results of these assessments should establish the basis for
revisions to the CM program plan, either increasing or decreasing controls. Physical Configuration Assessments
Physical configuration assessments, or walkdowns, should be performed for representative sample
SSCs to determine the degree of agreement between the physical configuration and the configuration
depicted in the facility documentation. Physical walkdowns should be included as part of the
programmatic assessments conducted during the initial assessments, post-implementation
assessments, and periodic effectiveness assessments. If substantive discrepancies (either in number
or type) are discovered, appropriate immediate corrective actions should be developed to establish
agreement between the physical configuration and the documentation. The corrective actions should
include additional walkdowns to characterize the problem and to determine the extent of the problem.
They should also include technical evaluations to determine whether the physical configuration or the
documentation should be changed. Periodic Equipment Performance Monitoring
Structures, systems, and components within the CM program should be tested periodically to
determine it they are still capable of meeting their design requirements. This monitoring should also
address surveillance actions, periodic in-service inspections and tests, and other monitoring of SSCs to
ensure safe and reliable operation of the facility. Monitoring should also include measurements and
trending of data related to the actual aging degradation of equipment, to the extent identified by the
MCA adjunct program and approved by the design authority. Post-Modification Testing
An SSC within the CM program should be tested after modification (and before being turned over for
service) to determine if it is capable of meeting its design requirements (i.e., the post-implementation
acceptance criteria). If a changed SSC fails to meet its post-implementation acceptance criteria,
turnover for operation should be postponed until either a technical review has been completed and any
follow-up actions are completed or until the SSC is returned to its original condition and tested
The objective of the DR adjunct program is to establish, organize, and document design information
(i.e., both design requirements and design basis), where existing design information is not adequate. Program Plans and Procedures
A program plan, an action plan, and implementing procedures should be developed for the DR adjunct
program. The DR program plan should be based on the initial assessments and the graded approach.
The DR adjunct program should be implemented in stages to provide a timely initial set of design
information and more information as it becomes available. It should include prioritization of the
development and issuance of DISs. Design information summaries for systems or technical topics
necessary to support the facility accident analysis and TSRs should receive the highest priority. The
DR program plan should address the same topics identified for the CM program plan (described in
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