| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
other three. Accordingly, the total fissionable mass in glovebox 23 for this condition would be
4125 grams more than the normal condition or 11660 grams. In three approximate 1.9 liter pans
(6"x 9.5" x 2"), two 1.1 liter cans (10% variance added), and three approximate 800 ml filters or
a total volume of 10.3 liters, this total fissionable material would have a density of about 1132 g/l,
which is subcritical, per figure 3.6 of TID-7016, when reflected with one inch of water in a
spherical volume. Thus, the mass overbatch condition is subcritical. Note also that this bounds
interaction with items such as handcarry and carts.
Extra container: The unlikely addition of two pans, three cans, or four filters (or an equivalent
volume combination), provides an additional 3.8 liters to the allowed 10.3 liters of containers in
glovebox 23. The bounding case for this contingency would be two additional pans, each with
1875 grams Pu, brought in from glovebox 18. The total available fissionable mass (11285 grams)
in 14.1 liters would have a density of about 800 g/l, which is subcritical for an equivalent
hemispherical volume with 1" of water reflection. As calculated in Appendix O, a nominally
reflected hemispherical volume of 20.2 liters is equivalent to a 10.5 liter nominally reflected
sphere, which is subcritical for a concentration up to at least 1000 g Pu/l. Note that the
hemispherical volume calculation was selected to more realistically envelope available containers
in the glovebox. Also note that a concentration of 1000 g/l accounts for varying concentrations
of fissionable material, particularly in the one liter cans. Thus the extra container condition is
6.6 Glovebox 2404:
6.6.1 GB-2404 is located in room 1115. It is constructed of 1/8" lead shielding sandwiched
between two 1/8" stainless steel layers and is nominally 11'8" long x 3'" wide x 4'6" high.
Additional shielding by 2" water walls is on the front and back sides of the box. This glovebox
contains two parallel banks with three 1-micron bag filters connected in series per bank. Each bag
filter canister FL2416-1, 2, 3 (A/B) is nominally 4.5" ID by 18" in height and is spaced as shown
in figure 2. This glovebox also has a vacuum pickup wand connected to fulflo filter Fl-2417 (filter
housing is nominally 3.75" ID x 8" H) for spill pickup and transfer to tanks D-2401 A/B/C/D.
Two standard SG-508 criticality drains are installed in GB-2404, thus flooding above a two inch
depth is precluded.
104.68 cm
80.82 cm
72.38 cm
33.65 cm
Fulflo filter
Precipitate Filters
0.64 cm
Figure 2 GB2404 Filter
6.6.2 Supernate liquid from the R6 filter in glovebox 18 is further filtered in this glovebox.
Fissionable materials in this liquid have previously removed via precipitation in clarifier columns
T2411 A/B and filtration through the R6 filter in glovebox 18. Testing of this process, reference
correspondence from L. L. Martella to B. S. Mo, "Filtrate Concentration OffR-6 Filter", dated
December 13, 1995, in Appendix O, has shown that this liquid is expected to be less than gram
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