| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
The purpose and scope of the evaluation shall be stated in this section. Relevant background
information should also be provided.
The system or process should be described in Section 2.0. The description should contain
sufficient detail, clarity, and lack of ambiguity to allow a peer reviewer either to independently
evaluate the system/process or to independently assess the adequacy and accuracy of the existing
evaluation. (In most cases, firsthand knowledge obtained through facility visits is required to
supplement the written documentation.) Drawings and/or sketches should be provided as needed
to provide clarity.
References, including drawings, should be provided to allow a reviewer the opportunity to further
research the system being evaluated and to verify the accuracy of the descriptive information
provided. References should be specific and should include page numbers if possible. Multiple
levels of references should be avoided. (i.e., References should be original documents and not
documents that reference other documents.)
It may not be practical to provide this level of detail in evaluations of very complicated systems or
processes. For such evaluations, documents that do provide this level of detail should be
incorporated by reference. Sufficient information should be provided for the system or process to
allow adequate support of the assumptions used in the evaluation.
Indicate the specific DOE Orders or Guides, ANS standards, Code of Federal Regulations, or
internal requirement documents that are uniquely applicable to the evaluation. (NOTE: General
requirement documentation such as DOE Order 5480.24, DOE O 420.1, Section 4.3, ANS-8.1,
or ANS-8.19 apply to all evaluations. These types of documents need not be referenced or
discussed in every evaluation unless certain sections require emphasis.)
Examples of specific requirements documents are: ANS-8.5 (applicable to evaluations that involve
Raschig rings) and 10 CFR Part 71 (applicable to evaluations of shipping containers that require
NRC licensing). Where specific requirements are involved, they should be identified (e.g., "For a
Fissile Class I package, Section 71.55 of 10 CFR Part 71 requires ...").
Exemptions to DOE Orders should also be discussed in this section.
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