| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
neutrons and optimize the effect of neutron absorbers located on either side of the moderator.
This configuration results in neutronic isolation of the SAT tank, thus there are no spacing
requirements. Note that this isolation also precludes seismic contingencies from tank shifting.
These analyses, contained in evaluations JNM-25 and JNM-28, became the basis for the SAT
design criteria, which is included in Appendix H.
Validation of KENO analyses in JNM-25 and JNM-28 was completed by Critical Mass
Laboratory (CML) experimentation as reported in Appendix I. Though initial design analyses
used KENOIV and CML validation used KENOV, there is no significant difference in code usage
as reported in Appendix J. Note that CML experimentation was specifically conducted to validate
poison and moderator application in the Shielded Annular Tanks, thus U235 solution was used in
the critical mass experiments. This is appropriate as cross sections for Pu and U235 solutions in
annular tanks have been previously validated in CML experiments at RFETS and within the
Figure 1
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