| ![]() DOE-STD-3007-93
No unique requirements are applicable to this evaluation.
The calculations listed in this evaluation were performed using the CSAS25 module of the
SCALE4 package. The CSAS25 module contains three programs that were utilized, BONAMI-
BONAMI-II and NITAWL-II are cross section processing codes that are utilized to create
resonance corrected problem dependent cross sections for use in the KENO V.a program.
The system was modeled using the 3-dimensional neutron transport code KENO V.a, as
found in the SCALE4 package. KENO V.a is a Monte Carlo based computational method that
KENO V.a can utilize the problem dependent cross sections, as mentioned previously, in the
determination of keff. Various geometrical configurations can be modeled in KENO V.a.
The 27 group ENDF/B-IV cross section library, used for this evaluation, was collapsed
from the 218 group ENDF/B-IV library. This library contains 13 thermal energy groups (below
3ev) and 14 epithermal and fast groups (above 3 ev).
All calculations listed in this evaluation were performed on a Data General Avion Series
500 or Series 400 workstation operating under Data General Unix Version 5.4. The SCALE4
package was compiled using the Green Hills Fortran compiler, Version 1.8.5.
As part of the validation for this report a calculation was performed, using the above
described computer platform and code package, on an actual critical experiment performed in the
Borax V reactor.3 As outlined in "BORAX V Neutronics Report," (ANL-6964)3, an attempt to
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