| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
C. A water capacity greater than 454 kg (1000 pounds) as a receptacle for a gas as
defined in Sec. 173.115 of this subchapter. [49 CFR 171.8]
CALIBRATION. To adjust and/or determine either:
The response or reading of an instrument relative to a standard (e.g., primary,
secondary, or tertiary) or to a series of conventionally true values; or
The strength of a radiation source relative to a standard (e.g., primary, secondary, or
tertiary) or conventionally true value.
[10 CFR 835.2]
CANDIDATES FOR TRANSFER. Land and facilities that include: a) contaminated
facilities for which DOE has responsibility or owns; (b) contaminated portions of
facilities, if structurally independent and with separate utilities and support systems; (c)
real property or related personal property that is ancillary to a candidate facility; (d)
facilities otherwise agreed to by the DOE parties involved. [DOE O 430.1B] [DOE G
CARRIER. An entity engaged in the transportation of passengers or property by land or
water as a common, contract, or private carrier, or by civil aircraft. (See 49 CFR 171.8.)
(A common carrier is a for-hire carrier that holds itself out to serve the general public at
published rates. A contract carrier offers transportation services to certain shippers under
contracts that specify charges to be applied, the character of the service, and the time of
performance.) [DOE M 460.2-1]
CASED EXPLOSIVES. Explosives that are enclosed in a physical protective covering
that will retain the explosives securely and will offer significant protection against
accidental detonation during approved handling and intraplant transportation operations.
[DOE O 6430.1A]
CATEGORY A REACTOR FACILITIES. Those production, test, research reactors
designated by DOE based on power level (e.g., design thermal power rating of 20
megawatts steady state and higher) potential fission product inventory, and experimental
capability. [DOE O 5480.30]
CATEGORY B REACTOR FACILITIES. Those test and research reactors designated by
DOE based on power level (e.g., design thermal power rating of less than 20 megawatts
steady state), potential fission product inventory, and experimental capability. [DOE O
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