| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
CIRCUIT. A conductor or system of conductors through which an electric current is
intended to flow. [IEEE 1584-2002] [DOE-HDBK-1092-2004]
CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. Certain information requiring protection against
unauthorized disclosure in the interest of national security (i.e., Restricted Data, Formerly
Restricted Data, or National Security Information). [EH62dd1]
COLLECTION SITE PERSON. A technician or other person trained and qualified to take
urine samples and to secure urine samples for later laboratory analysis. [10 CFR 707.4]
COLLECTIVE DOSE. The sum of the total effective dose equivalent values for all
individuals in a specified population. Collective dose is expressed in units of person-rem
(or person-sievert).
COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID. A liquid having a closed cup flash point at or above 100oF
(38oC). [DOE-STD-1066-97]
COMBUSTIBLE MATERIAL. Any material that will ignite and burn. Any material that
does not comply with the definition of "noncombustible" as contained in DOE-STD-1066-97
is considered combustible. The term combustible is not related to any specific ignition
temperature or flame spread rating. [DOE-STD-1066-97]
COMMISSIONING. The process of testing an accelerator facility, or portion thereof, to
establish the performance characteristics. It starts with the first introduction of a particle
beam into the system. [DOE 0 5480.25 cancelled, DRAFT DOE G 420.2-X]
COMMITTED DOSE EQUIVALENT (HT50). The dose equivalent calculated to be received
by a tissue or organ over a 50-year period after the intake of a radionuclide into the body. It
does not include contributions from radiation sources external to the body. Committed dose
equivalent is expressed in units of rem (or sievert). (See Committed Effective Dose
Equivalent, Cumulative Total Effective Dose Equivalent, Deep Dose Equivalent, Dose
Equivalent, Effective Dose Equivalent, Lens of the Eye Dose Equivalent, and Total Effective
Dose Equivalent) [10 CFR 835.2]
COMMITTED EFFECTIVE DOSE EQUIVALENT (HE, 50). The sum of the committed dose
equivalents to various tissues in the body (HT, 50), each multiplied by the appropriate
weighting factor (wT)-that is, HE, 50 = ΣwT, HT, 50. Committed effective dose equivalent is
expressed in units of rem (or sievert). (See Committed Dose Equivalent, Cumulative Total
Effective Dose Equivalent, Deep Dose Equivalent, Dose Equivalent, Effective Dose
Equivalent, Lens of the Eye Dose Equivalent, and Total Effective Dose Equivalent) [10 CFR
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