| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
CONTROLLED DOCUMENT. A document whose content is maintained uniform
among the copies by an administrative control system. [DOE O 5480.23]
CONTROLS. When used with respect to nuclear reactors, apparatus and mechanisms
that, when manipulated, directly affect the reactivity or power level of a reactor or the
status of an engineered safety feature. When used with respect to any other nuclear
facility, "controls" means apparatus and mechanisms, when manipulated could affect the
chemical, physical, metallurgical, or nuclear process of the nuclear facility in such a
manner as to affect the protection of health and safety. [DOE O 5480.30]
CORE SAFETY MANAGEMENT FUNCTIONS. The core safety management
functions for DOE P 450.4, SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM POLICY, are (1)
define the scope of work, (2) analyze the hazards; (3) develop and implement hazard
controls; (4) perform work within controls; and (5) provide feedback and continuous
improvement. These functions are also identified in DOE Acquisitions Regulations
(DEAR) 48 CFR 970.5223-1(c). [DOE G 450.4-1B]
CORRECTIVE (REPAIR) MAINTENANCE. The repair of failed or malfunctioning
equipment, system, or facilities to restore the intended function or design condition. This
maintenance does not result in a significant extension of the expected useful life. [DOE O
4330.4B] [EH62dd1] [DOE G 433.1-1]
CORROSIVE/CAUSTIC CHEMICALS. Chemicals capable of eating away or
destroying by chemical action. [DOE O 5480.EQ] [EH62dd1]
COST/BENEFIT ANALYSIS. A systematic and documented analysis of the expected
costs and benefits related to a particular action. [EH62dd1]
COUNSELING. Assistance provided by qualified professionals to employees,
especially, but not limited to those employees whose job performance is, or might be,
impaired as a result of illegal drug use or a medical-behavioral problem; such assistance
may include short-term counseling and assessment, crisis intervention, referral to outside
treatment facilities, and follow-up services to the individual after completion of treatment
and return to work. [10 CFR 707.2]
COVERED CONTRACTOR. A seller of items or services involving nuclear facilities
under a management and operating contract or subcontract, or at any tier thereunder.
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