| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
Executive Order 12898 directs federal agencies to make achieving environmental justice part
of their missions by identifying and addressing disproportionately high and adverse effects of
agency programs, policies, and activities on minority and low-income populations. (See
minority population and low-income population.) [Derived from EPA EJ and E.O. 12898]
67. EPICENTER. The point on the earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake.
[AGI 76]
68. EPIDEMIOLOGY. Study of the occurrence, causes, and distribution of disease or other
health-related states and events in human populations, often as related to age, sex, occupation,
ethnic, and economic status, in order to identify and alleviate health problems and promote
better health. [Derived from EPA Glossary, ATSDR GL]
69. EXPOSURE. The condition of being subject to the effects of or acquiring a dose of a potential
stressor such as a hazardous chemical agent or ionizing radiation; also, the process by which an
organism acquires a dose of a chemical such as mercury or a physical agent such as ionizing
radiation. Exposure can be quantified as the amount of the agent available at various
boundaries of the organism (e.g., skin, lungs, gut) and available for absorption.
In the radiological context "exposure" refers to the state of being irradiated by ionizing
radiation or the incidence of radiation on living or inanimate material. More specifically,
radiation exposure is a dosimetric quantity for ionizing radiation, based on the ability of
radiation to produce ionization in air. It is the time integral of the radiation intensity incident at
a given position. Exposure is expressed in units of roentgens (R) or coulombs per kilogram
Note: Although still encountered occasionally as a unit of exposure, the roentgen is no longer
in favor; the coulomb per kilogram is the SI unit of exposure and is now generally accepted.
[Derived from MW, 10 CFR 20.1003, Suter, ANSI N1.1, ANSI N13.6, NBS 55, ICRP]
70. EXPOSURE PATHWAY. The course a chemical or physical agent takes from the source to
the exposed organism. An exposure pathway describes a mechanism by which chemicals or
physical agents at or originating from a release site reach an individual or population. Each
exposure pathway includes a source or release from a source, an exposure route, and an
exposure point. If the exposure point differs from the source, a transport/exposure medium
such as air or water is also included. [Derived from EPA Terms]
71. FINDING OF NO SIGNIFICANT IMPACT (FONSI). A public document issued by a Federal
agency briefly presenting the reasons why an action for which the agency has prepared an
environmental assessment has no potential to have a significant effect on the human
environment and, thus, will not require preparation of an environmental impact statement. (See
environmental assessment and environmental impact statement.) [Derived from 10 CFR
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