| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
EXPLOSIVES HAZARD, CLASS III. Class III consists of those explosives activities
that represent a low accident potential. Class III includes explosives activities during
storage and operations incidental to storage or removal from storage. [DOE M 440.1-1]
EXPLOSIVES HAZARD, CLASS IV. Class IV consists of those explosives activities
with insensitive high explosives (IHE) or IHE subassemblies. Although mass detonating,
this explosive type is so insensitive that a negligible probability exists for accidental
initiation or transition from burning to detonation. IHE explosions will be limited to
pressure ruptures of containers heated in a fire. Most processing and storage activities
with IHE and IHE subassemblies are Class IV. However, the following examples of
explosives activities with IHE and IHE subassemblies will remain Class I:
some machining (see DOE M 440.1-1, Chapter II, paragraph 12.4.2.c);
dry blending;
dry milling; and
dry screening.
[DOE M 440.1-1]
EXPOSED (live parts): Capable of being inadvertently touched or approached nearer
than a safe distance by a person. It is applied to parts that are not suitably guarded,
isolated, or insulated. [IEEE 1584-2002] [NFPA 70E] [DOE-HDBK-1092-2004]
EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT (EA). The estimation or determination (qualitative or
substance, harmful physical agent, ergonomic stress, or harmful biological agent that
poses or may pose a recognized hazard to the health of employees. [DOE O 5480.10A
EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT(EA). The systematic collection and analysis of
occupational hazards and exposure determinants such as work tasks; magnitude,
frequency, variability, duration, and route of exposure; and the linkage of the resulting
exposure profiles of individuals and similarly exposed groups for the purposes of risk
management and health surveillance. [DOE G 440.1-3]
EXTERNAL DOSE OR EXPOSURE. That portion of the dose equivalent received from
radiation sources outside the body (e.g., "external sources"). [10 CFR 835.2]
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