| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
1. Emissions that do not pass through a stack, vent, chimney, or similar opening where they
could be captured by a control device. [Derived from EPA Terms]
2. Any air pollutant emitted to the atmosphere other than from a stack. Sources of fugitive
emissions include pumps; valves; flanges; seals; area sources such as ponds, lagoons, landfills,
piles of stored material (e.g., coal); and road construction areas or other areas where earthwork
is occurring. [Derived from 40 CFR 57.103(m)]
heavier nucleus. Fusion is accompanied by the release of large amounts of energy. [Derived
from MH]
79. GAMMA RADIATION. High-energy, short wavelength, electromagnetic radiation emitted
from the nucleus of an atom during radioactive decay. Gamma radiation frequently
accompanies alpha and beta emissions and always accompanies fission. Gamma rays are very
penetrating and are best stopped or shielded by dense materials, such as lead or depleted
uranium. Gamma rays are similar to, but are usually more energetic than, x-rays. (See also
alpha radiation, beta radiation, and fission). [Derived from NRC Glossary, HPRH]
80. GENETIC EFFECT. Inheritable changes (chiefly mutations) produced by exposure, to
ionizing radiation or other chemical or physical agents, of the parts of cells that control
biological reproduction and inheritance. [Derived from NCRP 48, RHH]
81. GRAY. The SI (International System of Units) unit of absorbed dose. One gray (Gy) is equal
to an absorbed dose of 1 joule / kg (1 Gy = 100 rads. (The joule is the SI unit of energy,
abbreviated as J.) (See absorbed dose.) [Derived from 10 CFR 20.1004]
82. GREATER-THAN-CLASS-C (GTCC) WASTE. Low-level radioactive waste from
commercial sources containing radionuclide concentrations that exceed Nuclear Regulatory
Commission limits for Class C low-level waste as defined in 10 CFR 61. It is the most
radioactive of the categories of low-level radioactive waste. [Derived from DOE Glossary, 10
CFR 61]
83. GROUNDWATER. Water below the ground surface in a zone of saturation. [40 CFR 192.01]
Related definition:
Subsurface water is all water that exists in the interstices of soil, rocks, and sediment below the
land surface, including soil moisture, capillary fringe water, and groundwater. That part of
subsurface water in interstices completely saturated with water is called groundwater.
[Derived from Walton, AZ WRRC]
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