| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
ABSORBED DOSE (D). The energy absorbed by matter from ionizing radiation per unit
mass of irradiated material at the place of interest in that material. The absorbed dose is
expressed in units of rad (or gray) (1 rad = 0.01 gray). [10 CFR 835.2]
ACCELERATOR. A device employing electrostatic or electromagnetic fields to impart
kinetic energy to molecular, atomic or sub-atomic particles and, for purposes of this
Order [DOE 5480.25], capable of creating a radiological area as defined in Title 10 Code
of Federal Regulations Part 835 (10 CFR 835). [DOE 0 5480.25 cancelled, DRAFT
DOE G 420.2-X]
ACCELERATOR FACILITY. The accelerator and associated plant and equipment
utilizing, or supporting the production of, accelerated particle beams to which access is
controlled to protect the safety and health of persons. It includes injectors, targets, beam
dumps, detectors, experimental halls, experimental enclosures and experimental
apparatus utilizing the accelerator, regardless of where that apparatus may have been
designed, fabricated, or constructed. [10 CFR Part 830, "Nuclear Safety Management "
is not applicable to accelerators and their operations] [DOE O 5480.25 cancelled,
DRAFT DOE G 420.2-X]
ACCELERATOR READINESS REVIEW (ARR). A structured method for verifying
that hardware, personnel, and procedures associated with commissioning or routine
operation are ready to permit the activity to be undertaken safely. [DOE 0 5480.25
cancelled, DRAFT DOE G 420.2-X]
ACCELERATOR SAFETY ENVELOPE (ASE). A set of physical and administrative
conditions that define the bounding conditions for safe operation at an accelerator
facility. [DOE O 5480.25 cancelled, DRAFT DOE G 420.2-X]
ACCEPTABLE. When applied to fire safety, "acceptable" is a level of protection which
the Authority Having Jurisdiction, after consultation with the cognizant DOE fire
protection engineer(s), considers sufficient to achieve the fire and life safety objectives
defined in DOE Orders. In some instances, it is the level of protection necessary to meet
a code or standard. In other instances it is a level of protection that deviates (plus or
minus) from a code or standard as necessary and yet adequately protects against the
inherent fire hazards. [DOE-STD-1066-97]
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