| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
For a specific NEPA document, an additional statement can be included. For example: In this
EIS "high-level waste" refers to [INSERT BRIEF EXPLANATION].
Note: DOE usage generally follows the NWPA definition. Thus, "high-level radioactive waste"
does not include spent nuclear fuel, but refers to liquid wastes from reprocessing of spent
nuclear fuel and targets and the solid (vitrified) waste forms into which such liquid wastes are
converted. It is desirable to provide the NRC definition, too, because it is used in NRC
regulations that apply to geologic waste repositories and other facilities for management of
commercial spent nuclear fuel and high-level waste. In some DOE NEPA documents this term
refers only to liquid high-level waste or only to vitrified high-level waste.
[Derived from NWPA, NRC at 53 FR 17709 and 52 FR 5992, 10 CFR 60, NRC Glossary]
93. HIGHLY ENRICHED URANIUM (HEU). Uranium whose content of the fissile isotope
uranium-235 has been increased through enrichment to 20 percent or more (by weight). (See
natural uranium.)
Additional information may be needed in some EISs:
Highly enriched uranium can be used in making nuclear weapons and also as fuel for some
isotope-production, research, naval propulsion, and power reactors.
[Derived from 10 CFR 50.2]
94. INCINERATION. Controlled burning of solid or liquid wastes to oxidize the combustible
constituents and, especially for liquid wastes, to vaporize water, so as to reduce waste volume.
[Derived from EPA Terms]
95. INTENSITY (OF AN EARTHQUAKE). A measure of the effects (due to ground shaking) of
an earthquake at a particular location, based on observed damage to structures built by humans,
changes in the earth's surface, and reports of how people felt the earthquake. Earthquake
intensity is measured in numerical units on the Modified Mercalli scale. [See Modified
Mercalli Intensity scale and magnitude (of an earthquake).] [Derived from Bolt; 10 CFR 100,
App. A]
96. INTERIM STATUS FACILITY (UNDER RCRA). A hazardous waste management facility
(i.e., treatment, storage, or disposal facility) subject to the permit requirements of the Resource
Conservation and Recovery Act that was in existence on the effective date of the law or its
implementing regulations. These facilities are considered to have been issued a permit on an
interim basis if they have met requirements for notification and have submitted a permit
application. Such facilities are required to meet the interim status standards described in 40
CFR Part 265 until they have been issued a final permit or until their interim status is
withdrawn. [Derived from RCRA sect. 3005(e), 40 CFR 270 Subpart G]
97. INTERTIE. A transmission line that links two or more regional electric power systems.
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