| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
CEQ EJ = Council on Environmental Quality. "Appendix A: Guidance for Federal Agencies on
Key Terms in Executive Order 12898." Environmental Justice: Guidance under the
National Environmental Policy Act. Washington, D.C. December 1997.
CERCLA = Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980,
P.L. 96B510.
COE = Corps of Engineers. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report
Y-87-1. Vicksburg, Miss. 1987.
CWA = Clean Water Act, 33 U.S.C. 1251 et seq.
DOE 5400.5 = U.S. Department of Energy Order 5400.5. Radiation Protection of the Public and
the Environment. Revision 2. January 7, 1993.
DOE 5480.23 = U.S. Department of Energy Order 5480.23. Nuclear Safety Analysis Reports.
Revision 1. March 10, 1994.
DOE 5480.30 = U.S. Department of Energy Order 5480.30. Nuclear Reactor Safety Design
Criteria. January 19, 1993.
DOE 5610.12 = U.S. Department of Energy Order 5610.12. Packaging and Offsite
Transportation of Nuclear Components, and Special Assemblies Associated with the
Nuclear Explosive and Weapon Safety Program. July 26, 1994.
DOE 5820.2A = U.S. Department of Energy Order 5820.2A. Radioactive Waste Management.
September 26, 1988.
DOE 6430.1A = U.S. Department of Energy Order 6430.1A. General Design Criteria. April 6,
DOE CAO = U.S. Department of Energy. Carlsbad Area Office. General Information: National
Transuranic Waste Program. Modified November 7, 1997.
http://www.wipp.carlsbad.nm.us/fctsheet/factsheet.htm (August 28, 1998).
DOE G 420.1-X = U.S. Department of Energy Guide 420.1-X. Implementation Guide for
Nonreactor Nuclear Safety Design Criteria and Explosives Safety Criteria. Revision G.
Draft. September 1995.
DOE G 430.1-1 = U.S. Department of Energy Guide 430.1-1. DOE Cost Estimating Guide.
March 28, 1997.
DOE Glossary = U.S. Department of Energy. DOE Glossary of Terms. Undated.
http://www.explorer.doe.gov:1776/pdfs/doegeninfotext/draft/glossary.pdf (August 28,
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