| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
OCCURRENCE. An event or a condition that adversely affects, or may adversely affect,
DOE or contractor personnel, the public, property, the environment, or the DOE mission.
Events or conditions meeting the criteria threshold identified in DOE M 232.1-1A are
occurrences. [DOE M 232.1-1A]
OCCURRENCE. Any event or incident that is a deviation from the planned or expected
behavior or course of events in connection with any Department of Energy or Department
of Energy-controlled operation, if the deviation has environmental, public health and
safety, or national security protection significance. Incidents having such significance
include the following, or incidents of a similar nature:
A. Injury or fatality to any person involving actions of a Department of Energy
contractor employee.
B. Involvement of nuclear explosives under Department of Energy jurisdiction which
results in an explosion, fire, the spread of radioactive material, personal injury or
death, or significant damage to property.
C. Accidental release of pollutants which results or could result in a significant effect on
the public or environment.
D. Accidental release of radioactive material above regulatory limits.
[10 CFR 707.4][Applicable only to this specific rule]
OCCURRENCE REPORT. A documented evaluation of an event or condition that is
prepared in sufficient detail to enable the reader to assess its significance, consequences,
or implications and to evaluate the actions being proposed or employed to correct the
condition or to avoid recurrence. [DOE Glossary] [DOE G 450.4-1B]
system established and maintained for reporting occurrences related to the operation of
DOE facilities. [DOE G 225.1A-1]
OFFICE OF PRIMARY INTEREST. The office most involved in the activity under
consideration. Most DOE initiatives will affect many offices; that office being most
affected and assuming a dominant role in the initiative is the Office of Primary Interest.
OFFICIAL OF DOE. Any officer or employee of DOE whose duties include program
management or the investigation or enforcement of any law, rule, or regulation relating to
Government contractors or the subject matter of a contract. [10 CFR 708.2]
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