| ![]() DOE-HDBK-XXXX-2005
145. RADIOACTIVE WASTE. In general, waste that is managed for its radioactive content. Waste
material that contains source, special nuclear, or by-product material is subject to regulation as
radioactive waste under the Atomic Energy Act. Also, waste material that contains
accelerator-produced radioactive material or a high concentration of naturally occurring
radioactive material may be considered radioactive waste.[Derived from DOE O 435.1, DOE
146. RADIOACTIVITY. Defined as a process:
The spontaneous transformation of unstable atomic nuclei, usually accompanied by the
emission of ionizing radiation. [Derived from NCRP 65]
Defined as a property:
The property of unstable nuclei in certain atoms to spontaneously emit ionizing radiation
during nuclear transformations. [Derived from BEIR III, RHH, ASD]
147. RADIOISOTOPE OR RADIONUCLIDE. An unstable isotope that undergoes spontaneous
transformation, emitting radiation. (See isotope.) [HPRH]
control of pollutant emissions from existing sources in areas that are not in attainment of
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). RACT may include devices, systems,
process modifications, or other apparatus or techniques that are reasonably achievable taking
into account: (1) the necessity of imposing such controls in order to attain and maintain a
NAAQS; (2) the social, environmental, and economic impact of such controls; and (3)
alternative means of providing for attainment and maintenance of such a standard. [See
National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS).] [Derived from 40 CFR 51.100(o)]
149. RECORD OF DECISION (ROD). A concise public document that records a federal agency's
decision(s) concerning a proposed action for which the agency has prepared an environmental
impact statement (EIS). The ROD is prepared in accordance with the requirements of the
Council on Environmental Quality NEPA regulations (40 CFR 1505.2). A ROD identifies the
alternatives considered in reaching the decision, the environmentally preferable alternative(s),
factors balanced by the agency in making the decision, whether all practicable means to avoid
or minimize environmental harm have been adopted, and if not, why they were not. [See
environmental impact statement (EIS).] [Derived from 40 CFR 1505.2]
150. REM. A unit of dose equivalent. The dose equivalent in rems equals the absorbed dose in rads
in tissue multiplied by the appropriate quality factor and possibly other modifying factors.
Derived from "roentgen equivalent man," referring to the dosage of ionizing radiation that will
cause the same biological effect as one roentgen of X-ray or gamma ray exposure. One rem
equals 0.01 sievert. (See absorbed dose, dose equivalent, and quality factor.) [Derived from
DOE 6430.1A, HPRH, ANSI N1.1]
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