Note: Some states also list species as threatened. Thus, in certain cases a state definition
would also be appropriate.
[Derived from 50 CFR 17.3, 50 CFR 424.02(m)]
168. TOTAL EFFECTIVE DOSE EQUIVALENT (TEDE). The sum of the effective dose
equivalent (for external exposures) and the committed effective dose equivalent (for internal
exposures). (See effective dose equivalent and committed effective dose equivalent.) [Derived
from 10 CFR 835.2]
169. TRANSURANIC. Refers to any element whose atomic number is higher than that of uranium
(atomic number 92), including neptunium, plutonium, americium, and curium.
Additional optional information:
All transuranic elements are produced artificially and are radioactive.
[Derived from AEA]
170. TRANSURANIC (TRU) WASTE. Radioactive waste that is not classified as high-level
radioactive waste and that contains more than 100 nanocuries (3700 becquerels) per gram of
alpha-emitting transuranic isotopes with half-lives greater than 20 years. [Derived from 40
CFR 191.02, WIPP LWA]
171. TRITIUM. A radioactive isotope of hydrogen whose nucleus contains one proton and two
If appropriate to the context add:
Used in thermonuclear weapons.
172. TYPE A PACKAGING. A regulatory category of packaging for transportation of radioactive
materials. Type A packaging must be designed and demonstrated to retain its containment and
shielding integrity under normal conditions of transport. Examples of Type A packaging
include 0.21-m3 (55-gallon) drums and standard waste boxes. Type A packaging is used to
transport materials with low radioactivity levels, and usually does not require special handling,
packaging, or transportation equipment. (See Type B packaging.) [Derived from 10 CFR 71,
49 CFR 173 Subpart I]
173. TYPE B PACKAGING. A regulatory category of packaging for transportation of radioactive
material. The U.S. Department of Transportation and Nuclear Regulatory Commission require
Type B packaging for shipping highly radioactive material. Type B packages must be designed
and demonstrated to retain their containment and shielding integrity under severe accident
conditions, as well as under the normal conditions of transport. The current NRC testing
criteria for Type B package designs (10 CFR Part 71) are intended to simulate severe accident
conditions, including impact, puncture, fire, and immersion in water. The most widely
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