| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3019-96
Absorbed Glass Mat
A highly absorbent glass or polymeric fiber mat used to contain
dilute sulfuric-acid electrolyte in absorbed glass-mat type batteries.
These batteries have approximately 70% of the volume of a
comparable flooded-cell battery, so contain a higher concentration
of sulfuric acid (approximate SG = 1.300) to ensure that sufficient
acid is available for reaction. (Otherwise known as a "starved-gel"
Aging Factor
A factor used to ensure that a battery will meet its duty cycle
requirement upon initial installation and at its end-of-life. It is
common for batteries to deliver 90 to 95% of rated capacity upon
delivery. Capacity eventually rises to 100%, stabilizes there for a
period of time, then starts to decrease to 80%. Capacity drops
rapidly after reaching 80%, so 80% is assumed to be the point at
which the battery should be replaced. The aging factor used would
then be 1.25 (1/80%).
Two or more cells electrically connected to form a unit. Under
common usage, the term also applies to a single cell.
Cutoff Voltage
Cell or battery voltage at which the discharge is terminated. The
cutoff voltage is specified by the manufacturer and is a function of
discharge rate and temperature. (Also called end-of-duty cycle
Design Margin Factor
Used to compensate for spare or excess capacity for future loads.
The design margin factor can be assumed to be 1.0 for UPS
applications where the battery system is sized for full capacity of the
inverter. For general-purpose applications, the design margin factor
can range from 1.10 to 1.25.
Duty Cycle
The load currents a battery is expected to supply for a specified time
End-of-Duty Cycle
See "Cutoff Voltage."
Equalizing Charge
Charge applied to a battery which is greater than the normal float
charge which is used to completely restore the active materials in
the cell, bringing the cell float voltage and the specific gravity of the
individual cells back to "equal" values.
Float Charge
Method of charging in which a secondary cell is continuously
connected to a constant-voltage supply that maintains the cell in a
fully-charged condition.
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