| DOE-SPEC-3019-96
Indicate below required capacity at time of delivery. If 100 % capacity is required, this requirement costs additional
money and actually reduces battery life by a few cycles. If the proper aging factor has been used in sizing the
battery then 100% capacity at delivery is not required. If the installation is for a short-term application where sizing
was based on design and aging factors of 1.0, then 100% capacity may be required. For many applications 90%
capacity at time of delivery is sufficient. As the battery string cycles, its capacity increases eventually reaching
Capacity. Batteries shall be greater than or equal to [90%] [100%] [
%] rated
capacity at the time of delivery.
Charging cycle. The batteries shall be assumed to be fully charged and
stabilized at the open-circuit voltage specified in Seller's proposal (see
Appendix B) just prior to commencement of the duty cycle. During normal
operation, each battery shall be continuously float-charged by its battery charger.
Include the following only if a battery charger is required (not necessary for UPS applications.) Enter the desired
length of the recharge time following a discharge in paragraph 3.2.5, below. Note that two different discharges are
specified. One is based on the normal system load profile specified in Appendix B, the other one is based on a
deep discharge resulting from a capacity test. Enter the system recharge voltage as well as the normal load
current. It is recommended that valve-regulated type batteries be recharged at their float-voltage rating
(2.25 V/cell) in order to reduce the possibility of thermal runaway. This information is required so that the battery
vendor can provide data for the recommended battery charger. The normal recharge time for a reasonable size
charger is 1.5 to 2.0 times the discharge time.
Recharge time. The desired recharge time to 95% rated capacity is [72]
[ ] hours following a discharge based upon the duty cycle, and [72] [ ] hours
following a performance-test discharge in accordance with IEEE 450. Charging
shall be accomplished at [2.25] [ ] V per cell. [Normal DC-system load current
is [ ] A exclusive of charging current.]
Select the appropriate method: the constant current method is appropriate for general purpose; the kilowatt
method should be used for UPS.
Battery sizing. The following additional sizing factors for the specified service
conditions shall be based on the [constant current method in accordance with
IEEE 485.] [kilowatt method.]
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