| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3021-97
Most of the guide specification is "boilerplate;" i.e., it will always remain the same from job to
job. The portions of the specification that are job specific are highlighted for the specifier's
attention in one of the following ways:
These are explanatory notes that precede areas in the text requiring
editing. The nature of the choice and the type of action (or research)
required is explained in the note.
These are action items within the text of the specification. If the bracketed
item is by itself, it is an optional requirement that may or may not be
specified according to circumstances. If there are a pair of bracketed
items, or a series of them, they represent alternate choices that may be
made in accordance with varying circumstances; one (or more) of them
must be chosen by the specifier.
A blank in the text means that the specifier must supply a specific value,
text, or dimension. Blanks in the text are generally preceded by
ATTENTION: notes that explain the nature of the value or dimension that
must be supplied.
After the specifier has finished supplying all the requested information in the guide
specification, a word processor can incorporate all the choices made and delete all the
ATTENTION: notes. What remains will be the finished specification that may be used as a bid
Appendices A and B, and Attachment 1 are to be used by each bidder as a guide for
preparing the technical proposal.
Please note that this specification assumes the storage battery will be separately specified.
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