| ![]() DOE-SPEC-3021-97
Inverter protection. Protective devices connected in the inverter
output circuit to protect the Owner's uninterruptible ac bus against
excessive voltage and frequency variations, overvoltage,
undervoltage, over-frequency, and under-frequency. These
protective devices shall trip the inverter off the line after a time
delay, to override transients and initiate transfer of the Owner's
uninterruptible ac bus to the internal bypass supply.
Cooling failure alarm. A forced-air cooling system failure alarm.
Alarm indicators. Local indication of any alarm condition detected
by the UPS system by lights and local annunciator. In addition,
provide a single form-C type contact that operates on any alarm for
the Owner's remote annunciation.
Relay contacts. All alarm and protective-relay contacts rated 12 or
24 Vdc, 5-A make-and-carry, and 1.1-A noninductive interrupting
Panel-mounted items. Provide the following items and quantities and mount on
the instrument panel of the UPS system:
Identify any instrument accuracy or resolution required by specific application.
a. 1 dc voltmeter
b. 1 dc ammeter
c. 1 input ac ammeter [with phase-selector switch]
d. 1 input ac voltmeter [with A-B, B-C, C-A phase-selector switch]
e. 1 output ac ammeter [with phase-selector switch]
1 output ac voltmeter [with phase-selector switch]
g. 1 output frequency meter
h. 1 synchronizing verification light
1 indicating lamp each for UPS load on NORMAL, STATION BATTERY, and
1 indicating lamp for LOW DC VOLTAGE
k. 1 inverter capacitor charge-discharge switch (if required)
1 indicating lamp or other alarm for FORCED AIR COOLING SYSTEM
FAILURE, if forced air cooling is provided
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