| ![]() DOE-STD-1121-98
10 CFR 835 requires internal dose evaluation programs for assessing intakes of radionuclides and
for maintaining adequate worker exposure records. The effective assessment of dose from intakes is
highly dependent on individuals (staff, management, radiation protection, medical, etc.) taking
appropriate action. 10 CFR 835 explicitly requires adding dose equivalent due to external irradiation to
committed effective dose equivalent due to irradiation by internal sources. Optimization principles
should be applied to maintain internal and external doses ALARA (ICRP 1978b, 1989a; DOE 1990c).
This necessitates a close working relationship and cooperation between staff, management, medical, and
radiation protection personnel. Each site should have a plan that documents the dose management
Radiological workers should be requested to sign a statement concerning any prior work at a facility
where radioactive materials or radiation generating machines were used. The signed statement should be
available to the internal dosimetry group prior to a worker's being potentially exposed to radioactive
materials. The internal dosimetry group should determine the existence or potential existence of a prior
intake that provides current or future dose (e.g., exposure to short-lived radionuclides during the current
or past exposure year or exposure to long-lived radionuclides). Radiological workers who indicate the
existence or potential existence of an intake during previous work should be prevented from having
additional intakes until their cumulative TEDE, current retained quantities and current radionuclide
excretion rates (if any) have been established. This action should be accomplished either through receipt
of sufficient data from a previous employer(s) or by baseline bioassay measurements. If demands for the
worker's services are immediate and great, the worker's signed estimate of prior dose can be used until
official records are received.
8.1.1 Management of Dose from Previous Intakes (Work Restrictions)
In operation of programs for monitoring and controlling worker doses, consideration should be given
to the reduced effectiveness of bioassay monitoring for workers that have internally deposited
radionuclides (occupationally or medically derived). Special monitoring programs should be
implemented as necessary to ensure that protection of these workers can be provided.
8.1.2 Compliance with Internal Dose Monitoring Requirements
Management should require that radiation workers:
comply with facility contamination control requirements
participate in required bioassay measurements
inform the health physicists, other radiation protection personnel, or their immediate supervisor
as soon as an intake is suspected
Management should adopt additional administrative controls such as work restrictions for workers
who do not meet the above requirements.
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