| ![]() DOE-STD-1121-98
DACs derived from the stochastic dose limit can be used to calculate CEDE directly from air
sampling data.
For radionuclides listed in Appendix C of 10 CFR 835, the air immersion DACs were calculated for a
continuous, non-shielded exposure via immersion in a semi-infinite atmospheric cloud. The values are
based upon the derived airborne concentration found in Table 1 of Federal Guidance Report No. 11
(Eckerman et al. 1988). (10 CFR 835, RadCon Standard)
decision level: The amount of a count (LC ) or a count rate (LCN) or the final instrument measurement of a
quantity of analyte (DC or DCN) at or above which a decision is made that the analyte is definitely present.
(HPS N13.30-1996)
deposition fraction: The fraction of the amount of a material inhaled that is deposited in a particular
region of the respiratory tract. For an aerosol, this fraction is a function of the aerodynamic or
thermodynamic diameter.
detection level (LD): This concept has been replaced by minimum detectable amount (MDA).
diagnostic measurements: Measurements performed to estimate the amount of radionuclide deposited
in a person when an intake is known or is suspected to have occurred. (HPS N13.30-1996)
direct radiobioassay: The measurements of radioactive material in the human body utilizing
instrumentation that detects radiation emitted from the radioactive material in the body (synonymous
with in vivo measurement.). (HPS N13.30-1996)
equilibrium factor (F): The equilibrium factor F with respect to potential alpha energy is the ratio of the
equilibrium equivalent concentration (EEC) to the actual activity concentration of radon in air.
radon progeny is that activity concentration of radon in radioactive equilibrium with its short-lived
progeny that has the same potential alpha energy concentration as the non-equilibrium mixture to which
the EEC refers.
exposure: (1) The general condition of being subjected to radiation, such as by exposure to radiation
from external sources or to radiation sources inside the body. In this document, exposure does not refer
to the radiological physics concept of charge liberated per unit mass of air. (IDG)
(2) The product of exposure time to a radioactive aerosol and the average concentration during
exposure, divided by the value of the DAC for the radioactive material in question (expressed in DAC-h).
(3) Exposure (of an individual to radon progeny) is the time integral of the potential alpha energy
concentration in air over a given period (expressed in WLM) (adapted from ICRP Publication 65, p.4).
gastrointestinal (GI) tract model: A mathematical representation of the behavior of radionuclides in the
contents of the human gastrointestinal tract.
indirect radiobioassay: Measurements to determine the presence of or to estimate the amount of
radioactive material in the excreta or in other biological materials removed from the body (synonymous
with in vitro measurement.) (HPS N13.30-1996)
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