| ![]() DOE-STD-1121-98
Some criteria for initiating special bioassay can be found in the RadCon Standard (DOE 1999e).
Typically, site technical basis documents or programmatic manuals provide additional guidance. The
criteria of Example 5.4 should be considered more as qualitative guidelines than quantitative
requirements. The decision to select any particular contamination level as a criterion for initiating special
bioassay is highly subjective. For example, a hot particle on a shoe cover would not necessarily warrant
special bioassay, even though the contamination level may exceed the alpha or beta/gamma
contamination level shown above. Likewise, a single spot of contamination on the side of the face would
be less likely to warrant special bioassay than substantially lower levels of contamination covering the
mouth and nose area. While it is certainly conservative to perform bioassay when any of the listed
criteria are exceeded, an excellent internal dosimetry program will factor in the unique aspects of each
occurrence and exercise good professional judgment in prescribing special bioassay.
There are potential pitfalls in relying on some indicators as a basis for not performing special
bioassay. For example, no detectable activity on nasal smears following a suspected inhalation does not
necessarily mean that no intake occurred - a worker who has nasal congestion or is a mouth breather
would not necessarily show activity detectable by nasal smears following an inhalation intake. Wounds
involving alpha-emitting nuclides need special attention because the contamination could be completely
shielded by overlying skin, tissue, blood, or serum moisture. Blood smears should be dried before
counting with an alpha detector.
In some cases, workplace detection methods can be adequate to moderate the need for immediate
bioassay measurements. For example, high-energy beta or photon emitters such as 90Sr, 137Cs, and 60Co
can be readily detected using portable Geiger-Mller (GM) survey meters. The typical sensitivity of such
instruments is sufficient to determine the relative severity of a potential intake by a wound. If
contamination is not detectable by these instruments at the time of the injury, then it is highly unlikely
that there is any significant wound intake. This knowledge can permit a more relaxed approach to special
bioassay, rather than precipitate a crisis response. Deciding the duration and extent of a special bioassay
program also calls for professional judgement. It should be recognized that early excreta bioassay
(collected earlier than 1 to 2 hours following the intake) will not necessarily reflect sufficient equilibrium
to allow an accurate assessment of intake. Urine collected earlier than 1 hour after intake is likely to
reflect the pre-intake condition. Likewise, feces voided within a few hours of an inhalation intake may be
too early to have permitted passage of radioactivity through the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. In vivo
measurements made shortly after intake may also reflect rapidly changing clearance. Residual external
contamination on an in vivo bioassay subject is sometimes a problem near the time of intake. Thus,
multiple bioassay measurements over several days following an intake provide a better tool for
quantifying the magnitude than a single sample. These may include longer term measurements at weeks,
months, and even years after an intake to accurately characterize the biokinetics and provide accurate
intake and dose assessments.
When a worker completes an assignment requiring routine bioassay, an ending-task bioassay
measurement is used to indicate the worker's status when the potential for further exposure has ended.
Ideally, this measurement should be made as soon as the work assignment is completed. If the
measurement is not made until employment is ended, then the measurement is actually an employment
termination measurement and documents the status of the worker when no further occupational exposure
under that employer will occur. Ideally, the termination measurement would be performed on the last day
of employment. The need for both ending-task and termination samples is a matter of company policy. If
ending-task measurements are performed and the cognizant radiation protection organization is confident
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