| ![]() Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
DOE Order 6430.1A, General Design Criteria (DOE, 1989b) establishes a radiation
level of 1 rem/y to the whole body as a design guide. However, the DOE
Radiological Control Manual (DOE, 1994l), Article 128, "Facility Modification and
Radiological Design Considerations," states that "individual worker dose should be
ALARA and less than 500 mrem per year." The design of a routinely occupied
portion of a process area should never be based on anticipated dose rates in
excess of 100 mrem/h."
to "Storage facilities in the process areas should be designed to prevent the
exposure of operating personnel and to meet the requirements for security and
C.4.3.4 Shielding
Provisions should be made to accommodate the shielding of all items in the process
area. All structures (e.g., floors, walls, and glove boxes) may require additional
shielding during the lifetime of the facility because of increased throughput or higher
radiation levels of the materials being processed."
Change "Design criteria for effluent monitoring and sampling and elements for
consideration in effluent radioactivity measurement are described in DOE/EP-0096,
A Guide for Effluent Radiological Measurements at DOE Installations (DOE, 1983)."
to "Design criteria for effluent monitoring and sampling and elements for
consideration in effluent radioactivity measurement are described in DOE/
EH-0173T, Environmental Regulatory Guide for Radiological Effluent Monitoring
and Environmental Surveillance (DOE, 1983)."
Change "(DOE, 1994g)" to "(DOE, 1999f)".
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