| ![]() Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
At present, only personnel dosimeters for whole body irradiations are tested, but a
DOE working group has been formed to develop an extremity dosimetry
performance testing standard. The DOE also conducts an intercomparison of
calibration sources used for radiation protection purposes, but in the near future
DOE secondary calibration laboratories will be established to increase the
consistency of radiation protection instrument calibrations to national standards."
to "Pacific Northwest National Laboratory of Richland, Washington, and the
Radiological and Environmental Sciences Laboratory (RESL) of Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Dosimeters are submitted for testing to the performance testing laboratories in
specified categories. If the dosimeter passes certain accuracy and tolerance testing
criteria, a team of dosimetry experts visit the processor and/or site and assess the
operation of the dosimetry program, including dosimetry records and data retrieval
systems, before the dosimeter processor or DOE site is accredited. DOE
requirements are given in the U. S. Department of Energy Standard Laboratory
Accreditation Program for Personnel Dosimetry Systems, DOE STD-1095-95 (DOE
1995h). At present, both whole body personnel dosimeters and extremity
dosimeters are being tested, with extremity dosimeter testing currently being
voluntary. DOE will formalize the extremity dosimetry accreditation program in the
near future."
Change Table 6.0 to "Reserved".
Change "DOE Order 420.1 (DOE, 1996). The requirements in 10 CFR 835.1304
require that fixed nuclear accident dosimeter (NADs) and personnel nuclear
accident dosimeters (PNADs) shall be worn by all personnel entering a controlled
area that contains locations requiring an installed criticality alarm system, such as
those required in DOE Order 420.1 (DOE, 2003a); which requires installed criticality
alarms. The criticality accident dosimetry system should follow the provisions of
ANSI/ANS 13.3-1981"
to "DOE Order 420.1A (DOE, 2002a). The requirements in 10 CFR 835.1304
require that fixed nuclear accident dosimeters (NADs) and personnel nuclear
accident dosimeter (PNADs) shall be worn by all individuals entering a controlled
area that contain quantities of fissile materials, such as those required in DOE Order
420.1A (DOE, 2003a); which requires installed criticality alarms. The criticality
accident dosimetry system should follow the provisions of ANSI/ANS 13.3-1988".
Change "initial screening of personnel" to "initial screening of individuals".
Change "personnel who enter locations in which installed criticality alarm systems
are required" to "individuals who enter locations which specified quantities of fissile
Change "personnel who enter a controlled area with locations requiring an installed
criticality alarm system" to "individuals who enter a controlled area with specified
quantities of fissile material".
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