| ![]() Changes to DOE-STD-1128-98, "Guide for Occupational Radiological Protection in Plutonium
Section V of DOE Order 5400.5, Ch.2, Radiation Protection of the Public and
Environment (DOE, 1993c),".
Change "DOE Order 6430.1A, General Design Criteria (DOE, 1989b), provides
design principles that shall be considered when designing radioactive material
facilities to facilitate D&D of these facilities. A more detailed discussion of these
design principles is found below in Section 10.2.
DOE 0 420.1A, Facility Safety (DOE, 2003a), establishes facility safety
requirements related to: nuclear safety design, criticality safety, fire protection and
natural phenomena hazards mitigation.
DOE 0 23 1.1 Environment, Safety and Health Reporting (DOE, 1995b),"
to "DOE 0 420.1A, Facility Safety (DOE, 2002a), establishes facility safety
requirements related to: nuclear safety design, criticality safety, fire protection and
natural phenomena hazards mitigation.
DOE 0 23 1.1 Environment, Safety and Health Reporting (DOE, 1996e),".
Change "DOE 0 45 1.1, National Environmental Policy Act Compliance Program
(DOE, 1995d)" to "DOE 0 45 1.1B, National Environmental Policy Act Compliance
Program (DOE, 2001d)".
Change "and draft ANSI N13.12 (ANSI, 1988b), provide definitive values for
acceptable surface contamination levels for termination of operating licenses for
nuclear reactors and for materials, equipment, and facilities. Both of these
documents are based on the outdated methodology of ICRP Publication 2 (ICRP,
1959) and not the currently used methodology of ICRP Publication 26 (ICRP, 1977)
and Publication 30 (ICRP, 1979); therefore, they require updating (see Kennedy and
Strenge, 1992). In addition, these documents make no mention of other limits, such
as limits for soil contamination or volume sources."
to "and ANSI/HPS N13.12 (ANSI, 1999b), provide definitive values for acceptable
surface contamination levels for termination of operating licenses for nuclear
reactors and for materials, equipment, and facilities."
Change "Section 4 of DOE Order 5400.5, Radiation Protection of the Public and
Environment (DOE, 1990b), provides the following DOE guidelines for cleanup of
residual radioactive material, management of the resulting wastes, and release of
property. The basic public dose limits for exposure to residual radioactive material in
addition to natural background exposures is a l00-mrem (1 -mSv) effective dose
equivalent in a year. The effective dose equivalent in a year is the sum of the
effective dose equivalent from exposures to radiation sources external to the body
during the year plus the cumulative effective dose equivalent (CEDE) from
radionuclides taken into the body during the year. See DOE/CH-890 1, A Manual for
Implementing Residual Radioactive Material Guidelines (DOE, 1989a), for
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