| DOE-STD-1161-2003
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the general scope and subject matter range of the various codes and standards,
noting those which provide relevant guidance to activities conducted at DOE defense
nuclear facilities.
Describe the hierarchy of the mechanical rules, codes, Orders, and standards at defense
nuclear facilities and explain where National Fire Protection Agency standards fall within
that hierarchy.
Discuss the applicability of the above National Fire Protection Agency documents to
defense nuclear facilities.
Mechanical systems personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the codes
and standards of American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning
Engineers (ASHRAE).
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Discuss the general scope and subject matter range of the various codes and standards,
noting those that provide relevant guidance to activities conducted at DOE defense
nuclear facilities.
Describe the hierarchy of the mechanical rules, codes, Orders, and standards at defense
nuclear facilities and explain where ASHRAE standards fall within that hierarchy.
Discuss the applicability of the above ASHRAE documents to defense nuclear facilities.
Mechanical system personnel shall demonstrate a working level knowledge of the quality
control inspection techniques described in NQA-1 and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel
Code Sections V and IX and the verification of mechanical system integrity to include:
Ultrasonic test (UT)
Visual inspection (VI)
Magnetic particle test (MT)
Dye-penetrant test (PT)
Radiographic test (RT)
Hydrostatic test (HT)
Load test (LT)
Supporting Knowledge and/or Skills
Describe the test methodology for each of the listed inspection techniques, including the
expected degree of accuracy.
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each of the listed inspection techniques.
Identify and describe the usual application for each of the listed inspection techniques.
For each of the listed inspection techniques, identify and discuss the safety considerations
and precautions that must be observed.
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