| ![]() H. U.S. Department of Commerce, "State Climatological
Summary," Environmental Data Service, NOAA, published annually by
U.S. Department of Commerce, "Storm Data," Environ-
mental Data Service, NOAA, published monthly.
EPA-600/4-76-030a, "Atmospheric Dispersion Parame-
ters in Gaussian Plume Modeling," A.H. Weber, USEPA, July 1976.
AP-101, "Mixing Heights, Wind Speeds, and Potential
for Urban Air Pollution Throughout the Contiguous United States,"
G.C. Holzworth, Office of Air Programs, USEPA, January 1972.
Publication No. 99-AP-34, "Climatology of Stagnat-
ing Anticyclones East of the Rocky Mountains, 1936-1970," J. Kor-
shover, Public Health Service, October 1971.
"New Distribution of Extreme Winds in the United
States," Journal of the Structural Division, Proceedings of the
American Society of Civil Engineers, H.C.S. Thorn, pp. 1787-1801,
July 1968.
U.S. Department of Commerce, "Climatic Atlas of the
United States," Environmental Data Service, NOAA, June 1968.
TID-24190, "Meteorology and Atomic Energy," D.H.
Slade (ed.), Division of Technical Information, USAEC, 1968.
IDO-12048, "Climatography of the National Reactor
Testing Station," G.R. Yanskey, E.H. Markee, and A.P. Richter,
Idaho Operations Office, USAEC, 1966.
"Handbook of Statistical Methods in Meteorology,"
C.E.P. Brooks and N. Caruthers, M.O. 538, Her Majesty's Station-
ary Office, London, 1953.
Criteria for hydrologic design considerations; floods;
probable maximum flood, surge and seiche flooding, and tsunami
flooding; seismically induced potential dam failures; ice
effects; flood protection requirements; low water considerations;
dispersion, dilution, and travel times of accidental releases of
liquid effluents in surface water; and groundwater considerations
are identified in this section.
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