| DOE-STD-101-92
The Department of Energy (DOE) Order DOE 5480.5, "Safety
of Nuclear Facilities," establishes nonreactor nuclear facility
(NNF) safety requirements to assure that NNFs are sited,
designed, constructed, modified, operated, maintained, and decom-
missioned in accordance with uniform standards, guides, and codes
which are consistent with those applied to comparable NRC-
licensed nonreactor nuclear facilities.
This document identifies nuclear safety criteria applied
to the areas of safety addressed in the Safety Analysis Report
for a NNF. The degree of application of these criteria to a DOE-
owned NNF should be determined by the DOE and DOE contractor.
This guide is a compilation and source list of nuclear
safety criteria primarily used by the Nuclear Regulatory Commis-
sion (NRC) and private industry in commercial NNFs.
Because the
DOE , in some areas of NNF design, construction, operation, and
decommissioning has taken the lead in developing NNF criteria,
the guide also includes criteria used by the DOE and DOE con-
Those criteria that are mandated by the DOE Orders
shall be used in the design, construction, operation, or decom-
missioning of DOE NNFs.
The remaining nuclear safety criteria
listed in the guide should be evaluated by DOE and DOE con-
tractors for application to the DOE-owned NNFs under their cog-
The criteria listed are those that are applicable to
the specific areas of nuclear safety addressed in the Safety
Analysis Report of an associated NNF.
The nuclear safety criteria identified in this guide are
derived from federal regulations, USNRC regulatory guides and
publications, DOE and DOE contractor publications, and industry
codes and standards.
To assure that this guide includes the areas of nuclear
safety addressed in a Safety Analysis Report, USNRC Regulatory
Guide 3.26, "Standard Format and Content of Safety Analysis
Reports for Fuel Reprocessing Plants," is used as a model to
establish its fundamental format and content.
To eliminate
excessive repetition, criteria are identified only in those
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