| DOE-STD-101-92
Codes and Standards
The industry codes and standards listed in this subsec-
tion are those endorsed by the NRC and those specified in DOE and
In addition, appropriate industry
DOE contractor publications.
codes and standards are listed.
Many of the industry standards specified in the NRC
and/or DOE criteria have been revised, withdrawn or replaced by
more recent standards. Most of these obsolete standards are no
longer issued by their sponsoring organization and, therefore,
In most instances, revised
are not readily available for use.
These revised stan-
versions of obsolete standards are listed.
dards have generally incorporated supplemental requirements that
often qualified the NRC endorsement of the original standards.
Supplementary Information
This subsection lists documents referenced in both NRC
and DOE criteria that do not fall within one of the three preced-
It includes appropriate
ing groups of nuclear safety criteria.
NRC Information Notices and Bulletins, NUREGs, guidance documents
specified in NRC and DOE criteria, DOE contractor publications,
and relevant industry reports and guides. Although these sources
do not always specify requirements, they provide interpretations
of the criteria and background information for consideration, as
well as methods specified by or considered acceptable to the NRC
and/or the DOE for implementing and satisfying the pertinent
This section compiles the criteria that address the
need, preparation, content, and revision of a Safety Analysis
Report (SAR).
It also contains general criteria that are
applicable to many sections of an SAR and are listed here to
avoid repetition throughout this guide.
Code of Federal Regulations
In addition to specific regulations listed in individual
sections of this guide, the following regulations are applicable:
"Standards for Protection Against
10 CFR Part 20,
"Contents of Applications, General
10 CFR 50.33,
10 CFR 50.34, "Contents of Applications, Technical
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