| DOE-STD-101-92
Background Information, Hydrologic Transport and
1. NUREG-1054, "Simplified Analysis for Liquid
Pathway Studies," Codell, R.B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commiss-
ion, August 1984.
2. NUREG-0868, "A Collection of Mathematical
Models for Dispersion in Surface Water and Groundwater," Codell,
R.B., U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, June 1982.
3. NUREG/CR-3681, "Mitigative Techniques and
Analysis of Generic Site Conditions for Ground-Water Contamina-
tion Associated with Severe Accidents," Shafer, J.M. et al., Bat-
telle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, April 1984.
4. NUREG/CR-2506, "Uncertainties and Geologic
Disposal of High-Level Waste - Groundwater Transport of
Radionuclides and Radiological Consequences," Kocher, D.C., et
al., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, July 1983.
5. NUREG/CR-2917, "Review of Ground Water Flow
and Transport Models in the Unsaturated Zone," Oster, C.A., Bat-
telle Pacific Northwest Laboratories, November 1982.
6. NUREG/CR-1030, "Sediment and Radionuclide
Transport in Rivers," Walters, W.H. et al., Battelle Pacific
Northwest Laboratories, 1982.
7. NUREG/CR-1597, "A Model for Radioactive Trans-
port in the Aquatic Ecosystem," Niemczyk, S.J., Sandia National
Laboratories, May 1981.
Criteria for geologic and seismic information [vibratory
ground motion], surface faulting, and the stability of subsurface
materials and foundations are identified in this section.
Code of Federal Regulations
10 CFR 60.15, "Site Characterization."
10 CFR 60.17,
"Contents of Site Characterization
10 CFR 60.18,
"Review of Site Characterization
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