| DOE-STD-101-92
NUREG/CR-2933, "Nuclear Fuel Cycle Risk Assessment:
Survey and Computer Compilation of Risk-Related Literature,"
Yates, K.R. et al., Battelle Pacific Northwest Laboratories,
October 1982.
NUREG/CR-2429, "Data Base for Radiation Events in
the Commercial Nuclear Fuel Cycle, 1950-1978," Bodeau, D.J. et
al., Argonne National Laboratory, March 1982.
NUREG/CR-2402, "Risk Analysis Methodology for Spent
Fuel Repositories in Bedded Salt," Pepping, R.E. et al., Sandia
National Laboratories, July 1983.
NUREG/CR-2260, "Technical Basis for Regulatory
Guide 1.145 Atmospheric Dispersion Models for Potential Accident
Consequence Assessments at Nuclear Power Plants," Snell, W.G., et
al., NUS Corp., October 1981.
NUREG/CR-1604, "Methodology Development for Risk
Assessment of Fuel Processing," Buckner, J.T., E.I. DuPont de
Nemours & Co., July 1980.
NUREG/CR-1397, "Risk Methodology for Geologic Dis-
posal of Radioactive Waste:
Small Sample Sensitivity Analysis
Technologies for Computer Models, With an Application to Risk
Assessment," Sandia National Laboratories, May 1980.
NUREG/CR-0649, "Spent Fuel Heatup Following Loss of
Water During Storage," Benjamin, A.S. et al., Sandia National
Laboratories, March 1979.
LA-10294-MS, "A Guide to Radiological Accident Con-
siderations for Siting and Design of DOE Nonreactor Nuclear
Facilities," Elder, J.C., et al., Los Alamos National Laboratory,
January 1986.
SAND-85-1230C, "Analysis Methods for Hazardous
Materials Accidents," Bennett, D.E., Sandia National
Laboratories, 1985.
SAND-84-1851C, "Analysis Methods for Offsite Trans-
port Hazards," Bennett, D.E., Sandia National Laboratories, 1985.
KSC-1006-1, "Risk Analysis of Spent Fuel Receiving
and Storage Facility Using the GO Methodology," Wood, D.E. and
Becar, N.J., Kaman Sciences Corp., March 1979.
DP-1449, "The Safety of UO3 Production at the A-
Line at the Savannah River Plant," Perkins, W.C. et al., E.I.
DuPont de Nemours & Co., March 1977.
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