| DOESTD-101-92
NUREG/CR-4519, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning Reference Nuclear Fuel Cycle Facilities - Classi-
fication of Decommissioning Wastes,"
Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, 1986.
NUREG/CR-3293, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning Reference Nuclear Fuel Cycle and Non-Fuel-Cycle
Facilities Following Postulated Accidents," Elder, H.K., Pacific
Northwest Laboratory, May 1985.
NUREG/CR-2210, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning Reference Independent Spent Fuel Storage
Installations," Ludwick, J.D. and Moore, E.B., Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, January 1984.
NUREG/CR-3550, "Evaluation of Nuclear Facility
Decommissioning Projects," Miller, R.L. and Baumann, B.L., United
Nuclear Industries, Inc., January 1984.
NUREG/CR-2241, "Technology and Cost of Termination
Surveys Associated with Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities,"
Witherspoon, J., Oak Ridge National Laboratory, February 1982.
NUREG/CR-1754, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning Reference Non-Fuel-Cycle Nuclear Facilities,"
Murphy, E.S., Pacific Northwest Laboratory, February 1981.
NUREG/CR-1915, "Decontamination Processes for
Restorative Operations and as a Precursor to Decommissioning,"
Nelson, J.L. and Devine, J.R., Battelle Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, May 1981.
NUREG/CR-1757, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning a Reference Uranium Hexafluoride Conversion
Plant," Elder, H.K., Pacific Northwest Laboratory, October 1981.
NUREG/CR-1266, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning a Reference Uranium Fuel Fabrication Plant,"
Elder H.K. and Blahnik, D.E., Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Octo-
ber 1980.
NUREG/CR-0570, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning a Reference Low-Level Waste Burial Ground,"
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1980 and Addendum, 1981.
NUREG/CR-0129, "Technology, Safety and Costs of
Decommissioning a Reference Small Mixed Oxide Fuel Fabrication
Plant," Pacific Northwest Laboratory, 1979.
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