| ![]() DOE-STD-1021-93
General Notes
(a) In this section a set of procedures is recommended for systematic application of the
guidelines presented in Section 2 of this document. General informational notes are
presented in Subsection 3.1, and procedural steps for categorizing SSCs are provided in
Subsections 3.2 through 3.10.
The procedural steps presented in this section are general recommendations for NPH
performance categorization only, and are not intended to provide procedures for performing
facility safety reviews or accident analyses. Depending on the design, safety analysis, and
NPH evaluation history of the facility, and the availability of pertinent data and information,
actual procedures to be followed for performance categorization may vary from facility to
facility. However, general adherence to the procedures presented here will lead to a
comprehensive and defensible NPH performance category list of SSCs that will be easy to
review by DOE.
(c) Procedures presented here assume, in general, that systematic safety and accident analyses
and hazard categorization/classification for the facility under consideration have been
performed in accordance with DOE-STD-1027, DOE Order 420.1, DOE-STD-3009-94
(CHG-1), and other applicable DOE Orders and standards, and that the data and information
generated during these activities are available for use during the NPH performance
categorization process (see Subsection 2.2). Safety and accident analyses and hazard
categorization that are yet to be undertaken, or are in process, should be performed by taking
into account the data/information requirements for SSC performance categorization as
outlined in this document.
(d) Following the "graded approach," the level of effort directed toward performance
categorization, using the procedural steps presented in this section, should be in proportion
to the safety, mission, and cost significance of the SSC being categorized and the facility to
which the SSC belongs. As discussed in 10 CFR Part 830, DOE-STD-3009-94 (CHG-1),
and in the NPH Implementation Guide to DOE Order 420.1, hazard is used as only one
consideration in the graded approach concept, Categorization of safety-class and safety-
significant SSCs as defined in Section 2.3 shall heavily rely on accident analysis of the
facility if available. Whenever questions concerning appropriate categorization arise,
provide a margin of error by selecting the higher category.
Procedural Steps
The NPH performance categorization process can be divided into the following procedural steps:
Step 1:
Assign Facility Performance Categorization and Coordination Engineer.
Step 2:
Survey pertinent documents and prepare a source document list.
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