| ![]() DOE-STD-1021-93
additional requirements will depend on the type of source behavior that causes adverse
interaction with the target during or following an NPH event. System interaction may be
between one SSC and another SSC or one facility as a whole with another facility, in which
case similar consideration should be given for design of the facilities appropriately.
If the source behavior that causes adverse interaction is within the acceptable behavior limits
of the source, i.e., if the adverse interaction occurs before source failure, adequate measures
shall be taken to preclude such interaction and to ensure that the performance goal for the
target is preserved. For example, assume that the postulated seismic deflection of a PC-1
cabinet (source) is within its own acceptable behavior limits, but the cabinet can potentially
impact and cause the failure of a PC-2 fire-suppression component (target). To prevent this
adverse interaction, the cabinet support system or the cabinet itself can be
stiffened/strengthened in such a way that the calculated deflection of the cabinet towards the
target, when subjected to a seismic level corresponding to the performance category of the
target, is less than the available clearance by a factor equal to the applicable design margin
for the target. Alternatively, a barrier can be provided to preclude the adverse interaction and
to protect the target. Such a barrier shall be designed to withstand NPH effects combined
with the interaction effects from the source (in this case the impact from the PC-1 cabinet).
To ensure that the target performance goal is preserved, the barrier shall be placed in the
same performance category as the target (in this case PC-2).
If the adverse interaction is possible only after the source fails or exceeds its acceptable
behavior limits, either of the following two requirements shall be met to preclude adverse
The source shall have additional NPH requirements corresponding to the performance
category of the target, if the failure potential of the target, given the failure of the
source, is assessed to be high. However, these additional requirements can be
restricted to the source failure mode related to the adverse interaction effects. If the
target failure potential is assessed to be low, no additional NPH mitigation
requirements need to be applied (see Table 2-1).
Adequate measures shall be taken to preclude adverse interaction and to ensure that
the performance goal for the target is preserved. Examples of acceptable measures
are: stiffening/strengthening of the source structure or support system, relocating the
source and/or the target, installing barriers, installing new components, modifying
existing components, or any combination of these measures.
If the behavior or failure of a source can adversely affect the performance of more than one
target, the source shall have additional NPH requirements corresponding to the highest
performance category that is determined by applying the rules provided in Paragraphs (a), (b),
and (c) above separately for each target.
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